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Victim Stable After Shooting In Castries


The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) says the victim of a Ti Colon, Castries shooting on Monday was stable when emergency personnel transported him to the hospital.

SLFS Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said at about 9:45 pm, a crew from fire service headquarters in Castries responded to a report of an alleged shooting.

“The emergency crew found a male individual, who appeared to be in his late twenties, lying on the floor,” Joseph disclosed.

She said an assessment revealed that the patient had sustained several penetrating wounds.

According to the SLFS spokeswoman, the emergency responders tended to the man’s wounds before transporting him to the OKEU Hospital.

“The patient remained in stable condition and was handed over to medical personnel upon arrival,” Joseph said.

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  1. blame RF and his drug baron past. The govt cannot throw stones when there is someone with such a past right there in their midst. THAT IS THE ISSUE!!!!!!

  2. Not like they don’t know, Richard has links and enough money to pay them off. To me I can recall in the early 2000s a video of Richard destroying someones car, I don’t know what became of that.

  3. Very soon the nursing population in st.lucia will be zero. In my opinion I believe that is the main objective of the department of nursing at SALCC. The administration can not be so cruel to our future nursing staff. We as students of the department of nursing at SALCC are being used for financial gain within the department. Professionalism is not applicable for use within that department. Sad but certainly true.

  4. …so when will he talk about it Clown ?? Why can’t he take any credit for it Clown ?? I am willing to bet my life savings just to hear him Below the word CRIME…if he cant say it I am willing to settle for him writing it on a piece of paper


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