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Second Phase Of Union Roundabout Project To Start This Week


Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King has announced that the second phase of the Union Roundabout project will commence on Friday.

“We’ve done the first half, so we have given seven days so that it can really cure to the standard that is required by the Ministry,” the former Prime Minister told reporters.

“Then we will do the second half this coming weekend starting on Friday evening, hopefully for another seven days. So we are looking at another week, thereabouts,” King stated regarding the completion timeline.

The Castries North MP said his Ministry had determined the problem with the Roundabout.

He explained that there is a high water table in the general area.

King told reporters that, as a result, there was a need to revisit the base material used for the foundation of the circle.

“The main problem in that area, it appears, based on the investigations of the laboratory, is that there is a high water table, and the soil composition does not provide for the asphaltic overlay that was put there,” King said.

“Now we are going into cement-concrete material,” he disclosed.

“We have done half of the roundabout to allow for the flow of traffic and within seven days, which is the time period that is required for proper curing, we will then do the second half,” the Senior Minister stated.

And he told reporters that should resolve the problem.

Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. I’m so happy to hear that wonderful news, I thought it might be tainted by the mass shootings and the fact no one gives a sh**t about the fact that, inparticularly, no one gives a sh*** that roundabout isn’t finished when half the public facing roads, aren’t event started!!!! Bravo

  2. When did we stop caring about each other, when did we stop not smiling? When did ‘love thy neighbour’ become something our grandparents said?….That cheeky, beautiful, heartfelt St. Lucian smile is what tourists now fear. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves!!! The little boys with big guns need the real st lucians to tell them they are little boys with little dicks!!! Tiny little shit*s!!! We need to fight back. These bastards are killing us!!

  3. This is like the 10th phase Mr. King! Seems like just yesterday this project was finished by a skeleton sounding name contractor! Who is paying for doing this work twice? Taxpayers or the contractor?

  4. Hon Senior Minister. The round about will be successful completed before this year is over. Nevertheless, there remains an ongoing crisis in the department of nursing at SALCC which is and will continue to adversely affect our country for decades into the future. Every effort is being made by the administration within the nursing department at SALCC to produce patients rather than nurses. Professionalism and empathy are not character traits of the administration of the Nursing Department. We are continuously abused verbally, emotionally and mentally within that department. The only genuine concern of the department of nursing at SALCC is money. Also, we are of the honest opinion that the Board of Governors of SALCC has endorse our negative experience within the department of nursing at SALCC. Inaddition, other senior administrators at the College are fully aware of our critical situation and they continue to deliberately ignore our unbearable grief. Why are women administrators at SALCC in support of the obvious emotional and mental abuse of student nurses(majority women)? Are the women administrators at SALCC support their female colleagues irrespective of behavior? Where are the women advocates when we need them the most? Please liberate us for the unhealthy hands of the administration of the department of Nursing at SALCC. Please. Now is the time, we as women, mothers, daughters, wives, girlfriends and students are still alive. Speaking and holding ceremonies when one is dead is of no significance to the victim. Thank you.

  5. I have to admit that Raynoe appeared to have done a good job on part of the Marigot road. Bur Dr. Hilaire what about the huge potholes immediately after were they stopped? I may understand there are not enough funds to complete the entire road, but at least block the potholes to give us ease.


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