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Pierre Gets Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Founder’s Award


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has received the first struck medal Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Founder’s Award in honorary recognition of his support of regenerative engineering in Saint Lucia.

Regenerative engineering is a field Dr. Laurencin pioneered.

The University of Connecticut professor bestowed the award on the Saint Lucia Prime Minister who said he was honoured to receive it.

“I look forward to Dr. Laurencin’s continued contribution to Saint Lucia and encourage more Saint Lucians in the Diaspora to positively contribute to our country’s growth and development,” Pierre wrote on Facebook.

The Saint Lucia leader met with Dr. Laurencin when the latter visited Saint Lucia between January 18- 22.

Laurencin, CEO of the Connecticut Convergence Institute at UConn Health, also met local officials regarding the UConn JUMP Saint Lucia Programme.

The programme aims to encourage and educate Saint Lucian communities on healthy eating and exercise.

According a release, the program serves as a centerpiece of a cooperative agreement between UConn and Saint Lucia.

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  1. Of course he’s honoured to receive it, he always is because it’s free and they take a photo together, two handsome looking guys; tell Laurencin for me to stuff it, that’s not for St. Lucia. Phill my boy, Dr. Horace Chang wanted to unload a burden, you accepted it, you have a heavy burden with crime in St. Lucia, as head of national security & law enforcement you are in a worse fog than the fume inside a Sauna. When will you stop accepting honourary crap from smart people?
    In my opinion this is definitely not required for Tropical Islands, a place you only have to step out then you sweat. Air Condition Units is better Suited. Keep it up Phill, you’ll soon have more Medals than IDE AMIN; just don’t go to Marchand Rd. With it; Bless Ya.


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