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Police Foil Attempt To Snatch Tourist’s Bag Near Castries Market


Police said they foiled an attempt to snatch a female tourist’s bag near the Castries Market on Friday.

According to reports, alert officers intervened as a man tried to relieve the woman of her bag at about 5:30 pm, and the man fled.

The officers gave chase and apprehended him, although he put up a fight.

They later discovered that the man had a mental illness.

As a result, the officers took him to the National Wellness Centre.

There are no further details at this time.

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  1. Most of these Guys have No Mental Illness .They paying for their Sins.Let them Brake and Enter Hard working Citizens Houses

  2. Here we go again … even the commenters on here have no clue of how GRAVE SLU’s lack of mental illness issues are. Mental illness has always been on the back burner of SLU’s health and wellness. And yes to @Jay – the police do have training to determine one’s mental aptness – it is part of their training. This is a plague in SLU and as I have said again and again … altho, SLU SEEMS to be progressing, the regression is at an alarming rate. Taking care of the mentally challenged is brushed under the carpet, and the public at large are just as ignorant of this “condition”.


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