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Shots Fired At Bananes – Two Men Dead

Two men, identified as ‘Ragga’ and ‘Toni’ were shot dead Sunday night at Bananes, Castries.

According to reports, both men sustained multiple gunshot injuries near the roundabout.

Individuals who were in the area said they heard a barrage of gunfire.

And emergency responders from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said they received a call for assistance at about 8:37 pm and found two men with ‘negative vitals’ on arrival.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Looks like the whole of Saint Lucia will have to be deemed an “Escalated Crime Zone” if the “government” fails to address the root causes of crime, pay more attention to our young people and address our problems in a more wholistic manner. It’s sad that we are on a slippery slope and see no way out because of “politics”. Our crime problems will only be solved when our governments can look beyond politics and engage anyone who can make a meaningful contribution to this crisis.

  2. This will always conitinue, salaries need to be raised right away unless that happens people will continue to die. $10 for a tin of lunchonmeat. Where are the jobs slp promissed? Cost of living is now to expensive and how much S$S chinatown and the other small shops pay their workers ?. Helpers being over worked in construction and being paid $60 a day is that right?. To cut grass with a weedeater you need a gallon of gas $18 oil mix the gas @12 a small roll ofline $14, and you haven’t even gotten to the place where grass is needed to be cut. Now how much will the person you cutting the grass for is willing to pay. It just cant work and not worth it unless there is a raise in peoples pay cheque to match the rise of goods and services.

  3. There is a short approach and a long term approach to this crime violence in SLU. In Vfort we as how the Philip government used a short term approach to take control to the crime situation. This was well done – Bravo to them. However, this also was a band aid and should be addressed with a long term solution. First Philip needs to understand the root cause of the problem before he can address it. The involvement of the RSS and the police stripe and search approach just creates fear in the citizens. Up to this minute I have not heard of any charges related to the criminal activities in Vfort. Was this a show and tell when they made all these arrests but no charges laid. Well if that is the case, the threats are still out there and get ready for another round of violence in SLU.

  4. No plaster can cure this gaping wound. This illness needs comprehensive surgery. Find the root causes then put in place practical solutions.

    The government is employing a quick fix to a perennial, decades old problem. These must be reduced to negligible levels: Poverty, Gang violence, unemployment, juvenile delinquency, porous borders, easy access to guns & ammunition, etc. This requires hard work and astute planning.

  5. What happen to the good old strike days .. when shit ain’t going the right way force those government officials to get things straighten out for the benefits of the people. Remember yall arenthenones putting them up there so dont allow them to walk all over you guys thank god I made a way out this .with the alarming crimes rate the tourism industry will soon be hit just watch..pjp and his administration needs an over haul

  6. @frostie yes uh and promise supermarket want to pay people $40.00 a day and want to make them work extra hours for that same pay, it really is not right

  7. Frotsie you really funny, so raising salaries will stop crime. if high cost of living is the main contributor to crime or people will kill each other because lucnhonmeat is expensive or a roll of line for your weedeater is $14 then the Bahamas should have 100 homicides by now and places like Dominican Republic should have zero. yall need to stop with the comedy.

  8. I still want to ask the senior Magistrate have they dealt with the gun cases that are pending? How many more adjournment are we going to hear? Shame!!!!

  9. Have we examined the root of these killings in St Lucia? I have not heard anyone talk about it? What is the role of Marijuana and cocaine in crime and gangs?
    Check it out

  10. @Just Saying I was thinking the same thing. I just want to add if the world wide high cost of living is the culprit ??????????

  11. I suspect the PM’s next move is to ask RSS to build a base in Saint Lucia at the rate crime is increasing and since he turns to them for help so often. Rather than deal with the problem effectively, he depends on band aid solutions. Soon the RSS countries will get tired of him, then what? The invitation of the RSS can be interpreted as a failure on the part of our government to keep this 238 square mile country, safe.

    I have zero confidence in the PM’s ability to solve our crime problem and therefore expect the homicide rate to increase at an increasing rate, this year. Sad but very likely if the government does not change course.

    It is my humble opinion that the PM’s failure to accept constructive criticism is also hindering his progress – gets upset at the slightest challenging question or comment – not the qualities of a successful leader.

  12. Y’all can save y’all RIP’s because there’s no way someone who lived their life making sure others knew no peace will suddenly rest in peace now that he’s gone. Deau ban hypocrite!

  13. Lucian, wo is given the constructive criticism, is it Chastanet? During he tenure in office crime was the same as is today. He couldn’t do anything better what can he recommend now?

  14. Brace for the worst on it’s way. Although the issue of high inflation and gun crimes are rampant all over the world not excluding the so called developed countries who are at war with each other, thus exacerbating the said situations, we must find our own solutions. Just imagine nearly half of the working age population have never had a regular job and over half of that group have never earned a penny in their lifetime, yet they have the same needs as everyone else. When one becomes hungry, he gets desperate to stay alive and at this point will do anything imaginable to stay that way .Those who have joined gangs are under their master’s control and will do anything which he ask in order to maintain his position. The last thing he wants is to get that hungry again. Once drugs and money get into the game, all morals are lost. Greed, envy and competition run the game.

  15. You can bring a horse to the water ..but you can not make it drink. Poverty will always exist existed during Sirs Derek Walcott and Arthur Lewis time. However; they both went on to do very good.

    I have read articles such as “From Illiteracy to Harvard”… some folk decided not to go to school or make something of themselves but would rather join gangs, rob, steal and destroy..they are cursed beyond measure…some parents also encourage this behavior because they partake of the ill gotten gains…….

    They have decided to go that route ..they would rather be the dregs of society.
    St. Lucians are always lamenting things hard in St. Lucia ..tell me where in this world things are easy.
    Parenting is the responsibility of parents ..some folk believe it’s the government’s responsibility and that is far from reality.

    We have a very large extended family and we the elders always have meetings with the youth. In addition, we show them by examples the way we live right before their eyes (hard working law abiding citizens, not envious or jealous of anyone, we live within our means). We tell them there are only 2 ways ..right or wrong and they both have consequences…take your pick.

  16. Oh Troy Francis what would have happened if you didn’t make a comment that included Chastenet. You and the rest of your Red Eyed SLP clan really working to get Chas back in power because you guys are so obsessed with the man. We talking about root problem and you bring him up. You definitely don’t leave in St Lucia or just down right bias to compare crime during the last administration and what exist today. I’m wondering whether you are that female HTS reporter So Large Alfred.


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