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Police Investigate Suspected Suicide In Choiseul


Saint Lucia police are investigating a report of a suspected suicide in Choiseul, received at about 6:00 am on Saturday.

The deceased was in his forties.

In the past, the Ministry of Health and Wellness has urged individuals or family members who may know someone experiencing an emotional crisis to use the national helpline #203 to speak to a professional.

The call is free, confidential, and accessible using a landline or mobile telephone.

Call responders are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assess what issues a suicidal individual may be experiencing and connect them to an appropriate service.

A Health Ministry official disclosed the importance of recognising signs that should cause concern.

They include posting social media messages about death, people talking about wanting to kill themselves and experiencing hopelessness and a loss of purpose.

The Ministry of Health noted that the battle against suicide is a communal effort.


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  1. When you live in a beech society you think a victim will ever a cept help? Another thing is that laws have to change to have these individuals get the therapy needed and to have more professional and not the bobalist ww have currently

  2. Things are getting very hard for the people, so they are taking their own lives . There are no good jobs and also the wages are very low . The government is taking such a long time to enact a minimum wage . Thousands of young people will be graduating from secondary school and there is nothing for them to do so they build a golf course in point Hardy to exploit the young people …

  3. People also take their lives when they are psychotic, because ‘voices’ tell them to do so. A 24 hour helpline will not help those people. Proper community education, proper programs as well as follow up checks on individuals who may not have family support to make sure they are taking their medication, and have a routine and a rehabilitation plan. Suicide is not all about Depression. St Lucia is so behind on mental health and yet we have so many cases of individuals suffering from it – in ALL its forms. Because of the ongoing inertia within ALL related Government agencies and services, nothing gets done. The Public Servants take their salaries and benefits and couldn’t care less about anything outside their own selfish worlds. This behaviour and lack of action, in EVERY aspect of Lucian society, is a major affliction here and is bringing this country down.

  4. This is in response to hardships. No jobs to be found. Some people don’t have a roof over their heads they have to depend on others and that can be stressful. Food is expensive. Everything cost money. Wasco, lucelec, flow all have to be paid and that’s about 400 dollars just for bills. People don’t even get that kind of money. Next, st Lucia has no support for the poor or homeless. Each person must help themselves. When people see what they believe to be no way out, they get overwhelmed. And some can’t cope .Not sure what therapy will do when economic conditions are so dire in the country for many. This is not emotional but economic . 100 dollars will get you 3 basic items. Seasoning already close to 5 dollars, ketchup is 10. You can’t feed yourself or kids. This is deliberate. In places like England, it has been shown that supermarkets have made the most billions in profit in their history while screwing everyone else. Same thing taking place here on a much smaller scale.

  5. We as men do not like to ask for help, we do not talk to each other and feel we have to bare the burden alone. It’s ok to call your friends or family and say things are overwhelming you. I know it’s rough but life is precious, tomorrow is another day , it will take some time but you can turn things around


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