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Anthony: The South Likely To Bear The Brunt Of Hurricane Beryl


Vieux Fort South MP Dr. Kenny Anthony has warned that Saint Lucia’s South will likely bear the brunt of Hurricane Beryl’s effects.

Anthony said the ‘very dangerous’ hurricane would directly impact the constituency.

“Take the warning seriously,” he advised in a statement Sunday that included hurricane preparedness recommendations.

The former Prime Minister’s complete statement appears below.

Meanwhile, the office of Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has warned life-threatening winds and storm surges could affect Saint Lucia when Beryl moves over the Windward Islands early Monday morning into the evening.

The office said Beryl is forecast to produce between 3 and 6 inches of rainfall over Saint Lucia and urged citizens to take precautions.



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  1. At a time such as this, wound ‘t, it be nice to have the Modern Hospital running full swing in expectation of any such Hurricane damage to the South Districts?
    Damn it, Politics had to put an end to that. In order to create work and the Economy to the South, why not cut the political crap and restart construction and create fresh work for the people; it wont stop all the ongoing crime but many families should welcome the pay cheque.

  2. @ # The Fox
    I doubt these guys understand the gravity of their games regarding St. Jude’s Hospital construction. It has been all fun and games (grabbing each other’s as*). The situation is, and remains dangerous on many levels. What presently passes for healthcare at the stadium will be exposed if there is an aviation disaster. One thing is certain, not even an American Piper will be permitted to land at Hewanorra in the aftermath. You can believe that. Everyday that passes without an incident, should be a cause for the prime minister to get on his knees.

    We arrived at a point, where a modern day hospital structure, is referred to as a “box.” Such is the idiocy and lunacy one is confronted with daily. This is only an indicator of the enthusiasm shown by people who should know better. Semi-illiterates societies, are wonderful places where incompetent politicians thrive best. Did I state that the people in the south deserve much better care? They have been waiting much more than I can count on my fingers. Who knows how many lives were lost over the years through terrible care. Will anyone stand up and take the blame? I doubt it.

  3. Thank you Brother, its nice to see there are others who can see the light, but many others through fear prefer to stay silent, draw their monthly pay, lives life under a cloud & call themselves men. As long as there’s greed & personal gain, not giving a damn about others, that’s politics.


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