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‘I Am Available’ – Guy Joseph To Special Prosecutor

Former Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph, the target of numerous allegations of wrongdoing in office, is ready to face the Special Prosecutor.

“The labour party can never find anything corrupt on Guy Joseph,” the former Minister once told a public meeting of the United Workers Party (UWP), of which he is the first Deputy Political leader.

Last year, the Judicial and Legal Services Commission appointed Robert Innocent as the Special Prosecutor.

The Philip J. Pierre administration declared that the move demonstrated its unwavering commitment to addressing misconduct cases and combating corruption by persons holding public office.

But Guy Joseph asked whether the media had tried to find out what was happening since there has yet to be a statement from the Special Prosecutor who gets paid monthly to run an office.

“Now, you may think that some of us are nervous. We are not nervous,” the former Minister told an opposition United Workers Party (UWP) news conference on Wednesday.

Instead, Joseph expressed concern over how the Government was using the country’s limited resources.

“Moreso, I have said to the Special Prosecutor, ‘I am available. Whenever you want to speak to me, I am available. I can save you a lot of trouble. All the information you need pertaining to me, I can give it to you,'” the former Castries South East MP stated.

He told Wednesday’s news conference that people in Saint Lucia ought to be innocent until proven guilty.

Nevertheless, Joseph asserted that some people are guilty until proven innocent.

“The way the Labour party operates, when they accuse you, it is as if what they have accused you of is true,” the former Minister declared.

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  1. “..Former Economic Development..” the irony. Is this guy for real or just clowning, “All the information you need pertaining to me, I can give it to you,’”

    Allways three sides to the story

    lol lol lol

  2. Don’t be too cocky, Mama-Guy…else, you will find many persons, even in your extended family, who will rat you out!

  3. No matter which party you support you must agree that this clown should never hold office ever again.

  4. “The labour party can never find anything corrupt on Guy Joseph” …..that my friends simply means that the labour party is incompetent at finding the evidence aka Mr. Joseph is not necessarily clean. It only suggests that the slp cannot find the mountain of dirt!

  5. Well, let’s ask the special prosecutor to start by looking at the Integrity Act. Making sure all PEPs required to file have filed. Both encumbrant and opposition and let’s see who is breaking the law.

    P.S. for those who need help, PEPs are Politically exposed Persons. Including those on the Statutory bodies and personal assistants.

  6. I think guy Joseph should chill out and stop this nonsense hes making herself look more guilty than he might be besides this in the history of st Lucia no government minister have ever been charged or persecuted on any of their under the table dealings and it’s not going to start with guy Joseph on top of that it doesn’t look good for the island so chill out mister chill out

  7. Anonymous July 27, 2024 At 7:15 am

    Nope. It means neither group is corrupt or they are all corrupt. If one group was corrupt and the other wasn’t, that corrupt group sure would be in prison. If both groups are corrupt neither can go after the other because when the tables turn they will be victims. If neither group is corrupt then pigs certainly would be flying.

  8. Did the stolen heavy equipements, machine and materials by X day after the election, was investigated concering on the St Jude’s hospital site ❓


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