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Saint Lucia Signs Air Services Agreement With Qatar

Minister of Transport, HE Jassim Saif Ahmed Al-Sulaiti, and Minister of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation of Saint Lucia, Hon. Alva R. Baptiste, on Jan. 16, signed an Air Services Agreement between the State of Qatar and Saint Lucia.
The agreement comes in the context of connecting Qatar with more air services agreements that open airspaces for the national carrier to fly to more destinations around the world.
Consul General Henry Mangal who was Saint Lucia’s Representative to the ICAO 41st Assembly in Montreal, in October 2022, when the Agreement was expected to be signed, accompanied the Minister to Qatar, along with PS Augustus Cadette, Legal Officer Aisha Jn. Baptiste and Chief Aviation Officer Eustace Cherry.
Following the signing ceremony, the two ministers reviewed Qatari-Saint Lucian relations, in the fields of civil aviation services and ways to further enhance them.
SOURCE: Consulate General of Saint Lucia

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  1. My Gosh!! I pray I am not on that airplane!!! This is crazy!! St Lucia does not have the security to deal with any “untoward” behaviour that can come from those connections! Tell me is Hewannorow operating with advanced technology, like in Atlanta, JFK, Heathrow, Gatwick, Frankfurt, Barcelona ect… Hilaire and Alva have doomed us!!!

  2. The danger is, when international smugglers see an opening and smell fresh ways to use our Banks for money laundering, and those idiots in St. Lucia are not that savvy or sophisticated enough to suspect their devices – Bingo.
    You are known to be Bait for the big guys; [Mike Maura Jn. / Global Port Holdings] for example came in, showed some video to the unsuspecting, get them to sign fixed papers, two Harbours in St Lucia sold out in one afternoon for a breeze, how easy is that?
    Instead we are left with some Bums running around robbing people, shooting one another, killing White people, destroying the little progress we’ve made; is this the St. Lucia we hoped for? the Government past and present we elected to govern? making deals with the wiser, better educated in the world of the very Rich, wealthy and sophisticated, the ones who can speak better, more convincing and rather Cool about it? YOU ARE LOST. But I still pray for you and the ones who are missing.

  3. @Kalid Mumar – you are an imbecile. Meaning a stupid person. You have absolutely no clue and no one on this board should pay you any attention because you do not understand life and the world. @Fox is right, investors and more sophisticated people use those islands because the leaders are corrupt meaning as long as they get a cut, they will sell the island, its land, waters, any natural resources to the highest bidder. Or it could be that some leaders simply do not understand how the world works. So these types of people come in with their suit and tie and promise them things and simply fool them. In both cases , generations of lucians pay for the stupidity. they cant get a job, they cant move forward, their land is owed by foreigners, everything becomes too expensive, they are treated like slaves. businesses like the big hotels make all the money and change their name each time tax is due. so they dont pay a dime to governments. And big airlines who have zero connections to the island, their people not into sun and sea, that’s not their thing, their entertainment is glitter, glitz, gold and plenty servants…now all of a sudden these same people promise connections that are non-existent. you never know what connections can be used by certain elements in society. Go read a book Kalid you fool. start with New York. maybe something might sink in your stupid head.

  4. Whilst we have 2 Nobel Laureates I don’t understand why so many others are behaving so stupid. Khalid you sound like Juke Bois


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