The Saint Lucia Freedom Coalition is planning what it described as a transgender emergency rally and said it would announce a date, time, and venue later.
The advocacy group disclosed the plan in an open letter to parents, guardians, school principals, teachers, spiritual and religious leaders, their followers, and concerned citizens.
On Tuesday, the letter appeared on social media.
The letter recalled that a few weeks ago, the Freedom Coalition sent out recorded messages via social media regarding the transgender movement.
“A primary aim of this movement is to target our vulnerable children, even at the kindergarten level, and indoctrinate them into embracing the transgender ideology and sexualize them without any input and influence from parents and teachers,” the open letter stated.
It observed that clearly, the transgender agenda is to undermine the rights and authority of teachers, undermine the family, and ultimately cause societal collapse.
According to the open letter, the “Gender Affirming Care” coined by the transgender movement is “neither affirming nor caring.”
It indicated that the movement’s agenda will likely result in mental, emotional, psychological, and in some unfortunate cases, irreversible physical mutilation of children
The Freedom Coalition observed that many schools in the United States and Canada have already embraced ‘this nefarious agenda.’
The Coalition cited reports that the agenda is gaining a foothold in Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados and other Caribbean countries, including ‘our beloved Saint Lucia’, might adopt it.
“It is imperative that we raise our voices and stand up in opposition to this evil that threatens to corrupt our children and undermine our society,” the group declared.
The Freedom Coalition said its planned transgender emergency rally aimed to assert the rights of parents and teachers in defence of children.
“We must protect our children from this menacing threat,” the Coalition asserted.
This transgender nonesense needs to be eradicated from Saint Lucia
I support this activity en toto!!! Let all the “bam bam robbers” and “squashy squashy” know that we do not condone their nonsense.
pa ici-a!!!
in the famous word of Capelton MORE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hold y’all corner please.
Here’s a thought experiment. Imagine for a second everyone succumbs to this propaganda. All men ignore women for men. All women ignore men for women. We end up with a 100% alphabet society. In less than 100 years the entire human race will cease to exist. More likely in a shorter time frame. This is a genocide cult any way you turn it.
Can’t wait for this rally, please keep all politicians out of it ,allow the masses to do the demonstration. These politicians red and yellow will soon bow to the mighty bully and legislate to force our compliance. We must be a united force in order to keep this evil out and protect the future of our children.
Trans what ????????
You all have sway from bibical norms and this is the society you all want to create.
Disgusting. The almighty is not far from taking his planet earth.
Lord help them see the light.
a a sodomite. this is a sign the most high God will destroy this world soon. they are demon possessed this is unnatural its satanic
When & where will the rally be? I coming in full force!
Its all part of the ‘Signs of the End Times’ this movement, if not stopped now either by force or by Legislation will certainly bring about a flow of Hell Fire upon this little Rock. If you think the City of SODOM disappeared in one night, just keep fooling around with God’s warning. All the Priests, Pastors, Preachers, of every Christian Denomination are put on alert, COME DOWN FROM THE PULPIT, take to the Streets, show to the LORD you mean business, quit the pretense, no more bluffing, preach the WORD of GOD aloud; this is the most evil one right in your back yard and at your front door. WE dealt with COVID, Theft & Murder is still with us, now the evil of all evils want to show its ugly face; its up to you to Pray, speak out and demonstrate; if you fail, you will pay, period.
The most concerning part of their agenda to me is they want to ‘sexualize’ children as young as kindergarten, NO! There should be no sexualization for children! Sex is for adults, not children. This is part of why the US is so messed up now.
I have no quast about this transgender shit, but my problem is how they are going about invoking it into our young kids mind set. In one leg you cannot teach a kid the natural law must change or twist to accept ones choice of gender. If you choose to be a transgender of any kind so let it be but don’t come and doctrinate your choice onto someone else for them to accept. There is a margin for respect and discipline. When a child is born the human feature determines his/her identity as male/female. If this is how the gender acceptance wanted to be then equally the parent can say look boy you going to be a girl yes! Doc put female on the birth certificate. I wonder if that would be acceptance or consider child abuse or gender abuse? I’m saying you can be who you want but don’t piss on my back and tell me its rain stay in your section and i’ll stay in mine. That being said the color shit now is a code for identity right? pure bullshit!
for the people that never wanna hear about God it never ceases to amaze me…now transgender talk in the air all yuh calling God….people we really need God now more than ever….i have always believed in him and will never stop……i am tired of people denying our Creator’s name…….although it came into prophecy…..we cant take these things to start calling on God our Saviour…we need to repent of sin and turn away from evil….we are such a passive people that I would love to see the outcome of this rally….it is time st lucians wake uo shake up and do something about whats affecting us……we dont rally for Massy prices that killing us killing our children killing our unemployed and the list goes on…..but people will rally for this???? ok……imma wait n see…….