The Chairman of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), Therold Prudent, citing Saint Lucia’s escalating crime situation including seven murders so far in 2024, has called on Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre to resign.
Pierre is also responsible for National Security.
Prudent declared that the Pierre administration was clueless and overwhelmed regarding crime management.
“They have no direction, no plan or strategy to fight this cancer which is constantly eating at the fabric of Saint Lucian society,” the UWP Chairman told reporters.
“Our Prime Minister, the only thing he can say to you every time that a child, a fellow Saint Lucian is murdered is that ‘I don’t know. I have no idea. My father was the police, not me”,” Prudent noted.
However, the UWP Chairman said that after close to three years as National Security Minister, if Pierre’s father had all the knowledge, Pierre should relinquish the Security portfolio to someone more capable.
“He thinks it’s a joke. Every time you want to talk about serious things this man is constantly laughing in the faces of the average citizen of this country and I am saying to him, resign. You have to resign Mr. Prime Minister, because you’ve lost it,” Prudent declared.
He said Pierre had lost the essence of being a leader and providing directives to the police.
The UWP official asserted that Pierre was in charge and the police should seek his guidance.
He said if the PM cannot provide that guidance and a professional approach to managing crime, the time is right to demit office in the country’s best interest.
Prudent said Pierre boasts about giving vehicles to the police.
However, he observed that strategies and directives to the police and not vehicles solve crime.
Prudent said the opposition wanted to work with the government in addressing crime and urged Pierre to include the UWP’s suggestions in the battle against criminal activity.
Therold is a real joke. Hahahahahah!!!
Imprudent, you’re just a waste of time and trying to stay relevance. Tell me where on earth there isn’t killings. Continue crying for political favors. Try not to use crime as a political tool, also be reminded that a change in government isn’t the solution.
With God’s intervention, and the young men saying; killing each other is baseless and hurting each other’s families, then it will stop.
That’s a whole lot of BS… tell me Pierre is the one instigating and telling the guys who to go kill?…………the guys have their scores to settle… think anyone can prevent it?…… their own families can’t get through to them who are we to be successful……..when they’re satisfied they’ll stop……true it doesn’t look good for St.Lucia……however it’s stupidity and nonsense running through their brain
Give us a break Prudent. It was in 2017 under the stewardship of Chas that homicides increased by the highest annual percentage ever (62.5%). During Chas 5 year reign he broke his own homicide record 3 times. Why should any rational thinking St Lucian turn to the very architects of this mess for solutions??? Chas inherited a downward spiral from Kenny with 2015 recording only 28. Fast forward to 2017 and an upward trajectory was set which only seem to be getting worse. The numbers are available online for all the peruse. Stop the buffoonery dude.
I agree with uwp chairman, Mr prime Minister resign give somebody else a fair chance to work and to bring back sweet st Lucia. 2.5 in office and nothing has done you only talking nonsense.
Prudent, when this piece of corruption was written, I mean the Pajoah letter, was the author asked to resign? On wa hat basis are you asking Pierre to resign, is he the one instigating the shootings? Prudent stop your BS. I am just asking this question, does the opposition have a hand in the crime?
@Trend, the homicide rate in Saint Lucia was 8 in 1997 and rose to 25 by 2001 under Kenny, this is 300% so what are you talking about?
I have followed over the years the progress and epic downfall of this Prudent man! Has he not learned not to politicize crime? The act of crime will always be around as long as there is evil on earth! I suspect the UWP pressure Prudent to say something- to say anything to attack the current administration or else , they will fire him!
awa awa prudent, leave the man alone to fill his pocket, he ain care shit about you or no one. Just leave him because he won’t be able to hold several post next time around. You never hear lesser the man bigger the share so let the ppl kill out themselves so he can fill his pocket on their head… who is foolish him… not him going under 6ft its the foolish ones.
Find a good Church, attend regularly, learn to pray ( Father, Son. Holy Spirit ) daily.
Confess your sins to the Father in the name of Jesus. Truly repent & believe in Jesus.
Stay away from bad company, drugs, alcohol & Guns; do good, love more, don’t hate.
When it comes to the security is the nation, the buck stops with the leader…the Prime Minister…and that is Pierre. He should get the heat for the sad state of affairs in Saint Lucia. It’s only the first month of the year and it’s already 1.75 homicides a week. That is a shameful indictment for Saint Lucia and it falls on the plate of the Prime Minister… whether it is Pierre, Chastenet, Compton or Joe Blog. No one should take the security of our society for granted because it can easily be you next who , if lucky enough or unlucky enough depending on the way you see it at the recieving end of a criminals gun toting idiocy. Pierre should take the blame… because he has shown not urgency in dealing with the crime situation…and I would have blamed Chastenet if he was the Prime Minister…yes, no one should politicise crime but the heart of the nation is at stake and every voice should be raised in anger at the state of affairs. Pierre is useless and only offer platitudes and lips service in the wake of this scorge on our society….it appears that even in Martinique Saint Lucians are displaying their mauvais-mess. There was an article where it was reported that Saint Lucian citizens we the perpetrators of a vast number of crimes in Martinique to a point where the relationship between the sister nations appears to be under strain due to Saint Lucian criminals. Report of firing on the gardarmerie and the like…if this continues Saint Lucian easy access to Martinique will be a thing of the pass….mark my words…if Pierre as the leader fails to sort this out, things will get worse for society and Saint Lucia’s reputation is at stake…. saying everywhere has crime is simply saying you accept the situation as it is …I blame Pierre for not showing leadership.. the person who wears the crown should be held accountable. I hear no outrage from the PM, I see no leadership from the PM. It’s like the PM is just sitting on his laurels hoping the situation goes away while the criminals do as they please. The man has the portfolio for national security and he is point blank useless at it. Something’s got to give. Your sweet Saint Lucia ain’t gonna be saved by prayers cause as it stands, there is a lot of prayers being sent up to heaven on that little rock of non-sages and it does account not nothing…they pray in parliament before deliberating the nation’s business, they pray in the churches, they pray at home, even when they launch special events in Saint Lucia a prayer is offered but NADA ….god ain’t listening….or he does not give a toss or he is simply too busy or he just ain’t there(non existent)…..I must be one of those because I suspect Saint Lucia is one of the most religious countries in the Caribbean. If god is there and he ain’t listening then those who pray are plain hippocrites living lives of lies..hence why perhaps all these prayers are not answered….you can either continue to call on god whom you can not see and who does not care or call on the man who is the prime minister, a man whom you can see, speak to and blame for the turn of events…the reason our society has decended into this quagmire is because
1) the leaders have no vision
2) failure of the leaders to institute wholesome societal policies
3) poor parenting skills
4) poor educational attainment
5) too superstitious…yes religion is a superstitious belief if you did not know that
6) not many prospects for citizens hence the brain drain…
7) not enough jobs to go around and too many low paying jobs… inflation reeks
havoc of the pay packet.
8) too much ignorance in society. Many people can’t think for themselves hence
why there are poor conflict resolution skills. Hence why people become too
political. Its for dee party, I born labar, I will die labar of UWP for that matter.
And the list goes on…So when you analyse it all, who do you point your finger at as the man at the helm, went things are not to your liking society? In business who gets the blame when the business is failing? Who gets the sack when the football team is not performing? Who should be blamed when students are not learning at school? THE BLAME FALLS SQUARELY AT THE MAN/ WOMAN AT THE HELM AND THAT IS PIERRE.
Prudent isnt relevant, jumping jack.
Bring in outside police again! And stop the person bringing in all the illegal guns!
The chairman’s Cup is half empty.
How can he spew such crap and neither him nor his boss has the solutions to the crime issues..
Give the man a chance to full his pocket prudent. Y’all was there y’all tektoo. Name me a politician who live like the Pope. Name me one politician in the Caribbean that come in broke and leave broke, that enter politics, win election and still live under the sucker tree. He will turn that sucker tree into a tax vampire. Similar like one of your kind, before he became a politician he was a driver/trainer his home was built from capesh trees even the pillar. He enter politics and won becoming one of the top 10 richest man in Lucia. All politicians are notorious for being money hungers reason none never take jail yet. Until such time we can bard all you want.
PM is not responsible for the homicides. The police can’t be everywhere. Lucians need to stop killing each other.
Has to start and stop with the leader. We’re on track for 106 murders for the year. All of them thus far has been shootings. Has Pierre and his cabinet has done absolutely nada to strengthen legislation if found with illegal firearms? The police are getting some of the guns but neither they nor the judges write the laws. So yes it is Pierre.
Crime is not political …However we must focus more resources on preventation. What do we know about the perpetrators and the victims.. Are there any recurring common denominators. What is the role of non government agencies families the schools churches.
These crimes are the responsibility of all concerned citizens.
@ Pamphile, who fool you that crime is not political? Chpz
I am joining the March against violent crime in our Island.. Are you … Government and opposition civil society Church women’s groups youth organisations…we will March to symbolic locations rally and speak to those dysfunctional communities .
The government will be offering significant rewards to those who contribute to the detection and conviction of the violent offenders .
The government will be creating a specialist team to work with the gangs…this team will consist of police as well (multi agency )social and drug workers .
The Judiciary will be encouraged to punish with deterrent sentences if caught with a gun knife violent offences …
More focus on rehabilitation and drug prevention .
We need to create alternative lifestyles to crime ..
May be its time to look at our laws pertaining to drugs….Cannabis should be decriminalised .
Greater effort in suffocating the supply chain of coccine.
Put in place avenues to reduce demand for hard drugs .
C-Wiz makes a lot of sense. Prayers will not stop crime and neither will the bible god, if s/he can be found. Most crimes are committed by Christians and a survey at Bordelais will confirm that all the incarcerated individuals are christian god believers. It therefore makes no sense for people to ask a non-existent god to lend a hand. And if the stories in the Old Testament are to be believed, the bible/Hebrew god (Yahweh) is the most vicious and uncaring all-knowing and all-seeing deity ever to be recognized by man. Crime must be addressed by educating our youth. We must help them understand themselves as human beings with the capacity to make a meaningful contribution to the community and wider society in which they live. Introduce Civics in the classroom, basic laws of St.lucia and make a serious attempt to eliminate bias and prejudices that create perceptions of inequality and unfairness disadvantageous to the individual. Yes! let’s grow the minds of our youth to address crime in a positive manner.
Is the prime minister responsible for ?????????????? – he is certainly not. BTW I am neither UWP or SLP – the proof is in the pudding
a) poor parenting skills
b) poor educational attainment
c) illiterate and ignorant individuals
Is the prime minister responsible for ?????????????? – he is certainly not. BTW I am neither UWP or SLP – the proof is in the pudding – folk have to want to change on their own. It’s great to put programs in place and reach the young – however, are they willing, ready and able to do better or are they so deeply wedged in that they can not get out – choices have consequences. Some may have to leave St. Lucia and reside elsewhere in order to be saved.
a) poor parenting skills
b) poor educational attainment
c) illiterate and ignorant individuals
Results and not insultes
Jerimiah :
What is man wise enough to understand this ?
Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it ?
The Lord said, “it is because they have forbiden (forsaken my law 🌈; which I have set 🌈 before them ;they have not obeyed me or followed my law.
Instead they have followed the stubborness of their 😈hearts ;as their fathers taught them”…
Therefore, this is what the Lord Almighty,the God of Israël,says :
“See,I will make this people eat bitter food and drink poisioned water…
I will scatter them among the nations that neither they nor their 😈 fathers have known,I will pursue them with t
he Sword until I have destroyed them”
“Consider now ! Call for the wailing mother to come ;
Send for the most skillful of them
Let them come quickly and wail over us till our eyes overflowed with tears 😭and water streams from our eyelids..
The sound of wailing is heard from 🇱🇨 St Lucia
‘How ruined we are !
How great is our shame !
We must leave our land because our houses are in ruins’ ”
Now,O women (mockers,enemy of the Lord,hear the word of the Lord ;
open your ears to the words his mouth
Teach your daughters how to wail ;teach one another a lament
Death has climed in through our windows and has entered our forteresses ;it has cut off the children from the streets and the young men from the public squares….