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Norbert Promises Continued Significant Investment In The Police


Home Affairs and Crime Prevention Minister Jeremiah Norbert has promised that the government will continue significant investments in the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF).

Last week, Norbert received an update on the work at the Vieux Fort Divisional Police Headquarters.

His visit left him with a sense of satisfaction, as he expressed his contentment with the progress at the Vieux Fort Divisional Police Headquarters.

“It excites me to know that very soon, the Police will have a state-of-the-art facility,” the Minister wrote on Facebook.

However, the Micoud North MP acknowledged that crime-fighting requires a multifaceted approach.

In addition, Norbert asserted that ensuring the Police operate in a safe, conducive environment remains central to that approach.

The Office of the Prime Minister recently announced changes to the Ministerial portfolios held by Jeremiah Norbert and Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte.

Norbert previously served as Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Crime Prevention and Persons with Disabilities.

However, effective May 14, 2024, his role expanded to include Ministerial responsibility for the Department of Home Affairs.

It encompasses the Fire Service, Correctional Facility, Probation and Parole, Citizenship, and Youth Delinquency Services.

Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte retains her Ministerial duties as Minister for the Public Service, Labour and Gender Affairs.

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