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Police Probe Death Of Vieux Fort Resident

Saint Lucia police are investigating a death that occurred at Vieux Fort on Wednesday.

At about 4:45 pm, the Vieux Fort Police Station received a report of a shooting at Dierre Morne, Vieux Fort.

Officers found Moses Amedee, a man in his fifties, had succumbed to what they believe was a self-inflicted injury.

The deceased was a former Special Police Constable.

Ministry of Health and Wellness has urged individuals or family members who may know someone experiencing an emotional crisis to use the national helpline #203 to speak to a professional.

The call is free, confidential, and accessible by landline or mobile telephone.

Call responders are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assess what issues an individual may be experiencing and connect them to an appropriate service.


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  1. Why is it only when a tragedy has happened the authorities comes out putting information. What’s about proactive approach, preventative measurement and most of all are we not to check on our neighbors. I think this is bigger than that. A lot of our men out there a full of egos hence the rise of the self conflict harms.

  2. I don’t know anything about this particular sad situation – but what I do know is this:

    Mental illness in St. Lucia very often goes neglected – that can be for a number of reasons:
    – family pride
    – ignorance
    – inability to seek help because of culture
    – misdiagnosis
    – insults by fellow citizens – Ex: “that man mad, that woman mad” – making the situation worst
    – neglect
    – stigmatization etc.
    – ADHD goes untreated with (AA the boy or the girl troublesome) — folk wake up for God sake

    There are over 200 different types of mental illness and treatment is not a one size fits all.
    One of my co-workers suffers from anxiety and depression and has to take medication for control. She is a beautiful girl and you would never know from looking at her that she is dealing with this.

    LUCIANS suffer from pride (what will people say syndrome) and that in itself is a hindrance to their own well being. Wake up people and take care of your own – don’t let PRIDE get in the way.

  3. These comments are so true and there are few if any appropriate services available in St Lucia. People suffering from a variety of mental health conditions are just sent off to the so-called Wellness Centre, given medication and then sent home. No follow-up services or support plans. It is a disgrace. How many men and women have to die in such sad circumstances before the medical profession demands the Government provide the adequate resources to assist them and their patients. I wonder if they even care really. Get their pay, live the good life and suffer no bad conscience when the people they have “treated” die often soon after by their own hand, or are abused within their community. It is devastating and traumatizing for their loved ones. The Government, the community and parents also need to stop young men (and women) smoking marihuana and drinking alcohol while their adolescent brains are still forming. This can and often does result in psychosis some years later, and this is so evident in St Lucia and around the Caribbean. Simple measures actually could do a lot of good, but there seems to be no will within the relevant institutions…

  4. Everthing that is true is right 🙏….
    Pride means deprived or blessings rejected ❗
    There is none that does good !
    Here is a trustworthy of saying :
    Better for a carmel to pass through the needle hole !!

    Share in the LORD :
    Just a few honest whose the love ❤️ of God is manifesting in them..
    Those incidents do happens regular, like a diseases without cure, which has becomes a natural disaster to the society…
    People rather to live their lives in reverent fear due to :
    Hate 💜
    Front bites
    Maliciously speaking against,hurled with insultes and deceitful hyporcrisy who says to their familles or neighbor : Keep away,don’t come near me,I don’t care, for I am too scared for you !!!!!!


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