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Pierre Joins Other Caribbean Leaders On Post-Beryl Tour Of SVG

Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre, along with other Caribbean leaders, visited Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to assess the impact of Hurricane Beryl and demonstrate solidarity with the affected communities.

This visit followed a similar trip to Grenada the previous week, where the delegation observed the devastating effects of Hurricane Beryl in Carriacou.

During the visit, Prime Minister Pierre witnessed first-hand the catastrophic damage inflicted by Hurricane Beryl. On Union Island, most houses were either damaged or destroyed, and tragically, lives were lost.

The hurricane brought devastating winds and torrential rainfall, leading to severe disruption of essential services and displacement of thousands of residents, who are now residing in temporary shelters.

The Prime Minister extended heartfelt sympathy and unwavering support to the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The observed destruction highlighted the extensive impact of the hurricane and the significant challenges faced by the affected communities.

In response to the observed devastation, Prime Minister Pierre emphasized the urgent need for increased climate financing for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The rising frequency and intensity of climate disasters necessitate greater financial support to address the substantial damage to infrastructure and economies of SIDS. The situation in Saint Vincent and Grenada reinforces the critical need for global solidarity and proactive measures.

Additionally, Prime Minister Pierre stressed the importance of preparedness for future hurricanes, urging Saint Lucians to remain vigilant and ready to face similar challenges.

To support the recovery efforts in Grenada and Saint Vincent, Prime Minister Pierre encouraged individuals and organizations in Saint Lucia to contribute. Financial contributions can be made at the Bank of Saint Lucia, account number 901462669.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister/SLT

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