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Saint Lucia To Host OECS Boxing Championships

By Robertson Henry

Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Guyana, Martinique, Sint Marteen, Trinidad and Tobago, and host nation Saint Lucia are the countries confirmed to compete at the 2024 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Invitational Boxing Championships, scheduled to be held in Castries Saint Lucia July 25 – 28, 2024 at the Vigie Multi-purpose Centre.

President of the Saint Lucia Boxing Association David is confident of this year’s championships surpassing the 2023 version. His confidence was underscored by the recent Champion of Champions boxing action over the two days of competition from April 12 – 13, 2024.

The 2024 Championships which will feature almost 100 boxers in the various weight divisions, is expected to showcase the best of the Caribbean boxing.

This year’s event is open to boxers in the youth, novice, junior and elite divisions, and will offer regional boxers a greater level of confidence heading into upcoming regional and international fights.

The Local Organising Committee has been putting all logistics in place to ensure there is a safe, enjoyable and fun-filled experience during the duration of the tournament.

The organisers are aiming for the 2024 OECS Invitational Boxing Championships to be the boxing tournament in the Caribbean, in which the best will combat the best in all divisions.

PHOTO: Action in this year’s Champion of Champions tournament in April 2024

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  1. The surname of the president of the Saint Lucia Boxing Association is missing from the article. Best of luck to the St Lucian boxers.


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