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One Man Dead, Five In Custody After Police-Involved Shooting

About 2:00 a.m. officers attached to the Anse La Raye Police Station responded to information regarding a suspected Robbery in the village.

Officers pursued a motorcar, having confirmed the particulars of the suspects and their getaway vehicle. In an attempt to flee, the suspect car caused damages to the marked police vehicle, before coming to a stop in a drain along St. Lawrence Highway.

During the incident, one male was fatally wounded. He has been identified as Maxwell Leo alias Hennessy, of Marigot. The deceased is known to law enforcement and was at the time, on bail for a previous charge of Possession of Firearm.

One .40 calibre pistol and one spent .40 calibre shell was recovered by officers following the encounter. A total of five individuals are in police custody in relation to this matter.

We wish to strongly advise that once lawful directives to stop have been issued, they must be followed. Failure to do so not only endangers the lives of officers, but the general public. We wish to also caution against acts of criminality which lead to encounters with officers, tasked to maintain law and order.

A warning is also issued to persons who attempt to obstruct the police from carrying out their duties. It is unacceptable and unlawful, for anyone to, in any way, prohibit an officer from carrying out his or her functions.

In this instance, it was noted that individuals physically attempted to prevent officers from processing the scene. All identified perpetrators will be arrested and prosecuted.

There have been reports of ensuing threats against officers which will not be tolerated. The fullest extent of the law will be utilized to ensure the protection of all officers tasked with keeping the peace.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police force remains resolute in achieving our mandate of crime reduction and increased citizen security.

Anyone with information regarding the commission of a crime is asked to contact the nearest police station, the Crime Hotline at 555, or utilize the Crime Hotline App available on Google Play.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force/SLT. PHOTO: Screen grab from social media video.

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  1. Anyone who tries to stop a police officer from executing his or her duties should be arrested and be prosecuted just like any common criminal.

  2. ……..loading…….Mary……..about……to…..have………orgasmmm. Enforcement of the law should not be hindered by any means! Go get em Officers!

  3. The other five should have followed him. Very good reason to have an,Anse La Raye,Six. Good job my bro’s s.

  4. Catch and release of gunmen is a massive failure. It’s showing itself everyday to be that way. Why bail is provided to this group does not pass the security test, or even the common sense test. Someone’s elevator does not go to the top floor. Worse yet, someone does not know what he is doing.

    Those gunmen aren’t afraid. They are risk takers. Their influential power among peers to do the wrong things is underestimated. Taking them out of circulation should have been identified during any security assessment that’s worth its salt. Just like everything else, we are waiting for a catastrophe to generate vigor.

    Apart from peer influence, gunmen are released to commit increasingly brazen crimes. The police is on a treadmill trying to hold back the flow. They have little time for other matters because they are swamped by these actors. Imagine going after the same violent criminal over and over again because he is let loose by the inept system. In the process, the men and women of the force can get hurt trying to apprehend someone with a deadly weapon.

    This is an extremely dangerous and violent condition for locals. It rings hollow when someone who’s in charge of security claims there is no prison space. It tells us all we need to know about his knowledge of things security. There is no such thing in the world of security as no space, when confronted with an extreme situation. It’s like an army, immediately releasing its massive count of prisoners of war after a successful encirclement, based on no space.

    There are options. They have been there day one.
    Option 1. Lease a warehouse and reinforce it. Transfer the less violent prisoners from Bordelais prison to the warehouse. Then put your gunmen in the main prison.

    Option 2: Build a hasty prison annex on the site of the prison. Ensure prisoners basic needs are accommodated. Place your violent types in it.
    Option 3: will reveal later due to length of post.

  5. Bravo!!! I must say I never knew you officers had it in y’all…1 less many more to go.

    These individuals have terrorized their communities & in this case other communities.The female driver needs a lengthy sentence & have her dig the hole to bury her brother…If she doesn’t want too,there are ways.

  6. Imagine the dead “bast@$d” was out on bail for possession of firearm. Good riddance! And I mean that.

  7. The deceased was on bail. Although this is great news, but I have been preaching relentlessly about the adverse effect of bail. Bail is an invitation to crime. If you want to control, limit or correct crime bail is not the best option. Criminals belong behind bars. Authorities do not see it that way and they are speechless and clueless. I guess crime has become a sport or a hobby on this island. Well if so, let’s all enjoy the rampage. I’m just so sorry for the police for all their risky efforts are going in vain.

  8. Very good job by the police all of them Should have been Dead.Those who were Obstructing the police should be arrested and Charged.So call Criminals believe that they are above the law .The police is there to Serve and protect .The Human Rights owners in St.Lucia they will be on Social Media talking crap

  9. Police offices will always get away because a lot of of y’all don’t know the law and will let the police think that they are in charge of the law whether or not that there was traffic and the vehicle drive through ..the office has no rights to shoot after the vehicle yes he is know to be criminal or some sort but he did not cause no harm to officers why didn’t the office did not perform aspeed chase or take the number plate and go do the investigation the following day that’s why st.lucia will always be this way is and again we have ( no justice system )in this place you can never go to the uk 🇬🇧 or the states and a officer doing crazy stuff so you perform a speed case you don’t shoot after they vehicle and here we go again because it’s an officer he will get away it’s high time for some officers to be arrested in Saint Lucia

  10. @anonymous had it been you house the criminals had robbed and escaping with you valuables you would be singing a different song….in anger. Always remember the other shoe.
    On bail for gun and armunation possession and back committing the same before the hearing..
    6 feet deep is where they belong. Let the community live in peace!!!!

    Well done officers!!!

  11. I hope that when the government enact a minimum wage that those cockroaches will throw their firearms in the castries harbour and go and work in the hotels , construction, gas stations , and security companies for 6: 50 an hour

  12. @Anonymous pay your chew the police are not out there shooting at innocent or random persons ****. Leave that BS for Mary to come and spew and if you related to the dead niggas hard luck. All your UK other country talk does not capture all the facts. Resources, man power investigative capabilities all of that need to be considered the police to do more of that less bad man equal less crime. lol a high speed chase on our little roads lol idiot. pow pow ….. next up

  13. @Anonymous 3:25am. You want to sound intelligent? Then just say absolutely nothing because what you’ve written makes absolutely no sense.

  14. @ Anonymous Keep your mouth shut as you weren’t on the scene. The article clearly states damaged was caused to a marked police vehicle in an attempt by the suspects to flee. I am pretty sure you have a right to self defence if someone tries to ram you with their vehicle. Also a spent shell was found in the vehicle meaning a shot may have been fired from that vehicle. Again you have a right to self defence. Wait until all the evidence come out before you start blabbering your mouth. Living in a foreign country doesn’t make you intelligent.

  15. To those Lucians who believe they can interfere with law enforcement while they are executing their duties. Do yourself a favor stay in St. Lucia..if these idiots were any place else on planet earth ????????? Fill in the question mark for real.

    I have seen video footage of folk grabbing officers while they were trying to detain an Individual in St. Lucia ..are you people serious??? These uncivilized morons who reside in St. Lucia need to be stopped sooner than later.

    He was granted bail so he could then turn around and cause further mayhem….come on government of St. Lucia you guys need to do better with the laws for real.

  16. In life our deeds follow us wether good or bad !
    Life is precious !
    Choose life and live !
    Let the weary at ease and peace !!!!!

  17. Anonymous, all how I analyze your comments I can see two things: 1. you are part of a gang or your relatives are in a gang. 2. You have a hatred for St. Lucians, the more you can hear criminal activities in this small island the better you feel.


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