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Fire Chief Concerned Over Surge In Vehicle Accidents

Fire Chief Ditney Downes has reported a few ambulance calls related to the just-ended Saint Lucia Carnival but has expressed concern over the frequency of vehicle accidents.

Downes told St. Lucia Times that Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) personnel responded to a few assaults linked to alcohol consumption and several traffic accidents, most of them not serious or resulting in life-threatening injuries.

However, he was concerned over vehicle collisions.

” We’ve seen an exponential increase in vehicle accidents on a month-to-month basis in Saint Lucia,” the Chief Fire Officer disclosed.

He said the frequency of the accidents increases whenever there are events like Carnival and Saint Lucia Jazz.

The fire service responded to 370 vehicle incidents between January and May.

During that period, emergency responders transported 575 patients.

The Fire Chief reiterated a road safety appeal to motorists while urging them to heed emergency sirens.

He told  St. Lucia Times that most motorists do, but some don’t, and others race behind emergency vehicles that sound their sirens.

On the other hand, the Fire Chief praised vendors for cooperating with the SLFS during Carnival.

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  1. We have never examined the root of the problem. Every time something is wrong then we have solutions to all problems. Shame!!!!!
    Alcohol and mobile phone are 2 major causes of all the accidents. What are we doing about them? Nada.
    The law makers, put proper legislation in place.


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