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Michael Joseph Is Saint Lucia’s Flag Bearer For Paris Games

Michael Joseph is Saint Lucia’s flag bearer for the 2024 Paris Olympics which begins on Friday, July 26, with the Opening Ceremony, set to be held in the heart of the city along the Seine.

Joseph will compete in the Men’s 400M at this year’s Olympic Games in Paris, France.

Other athletes representing Saint Lucia at the Paris Olympics are:

  • Julien Alfred — 100M & 200M
  • Jayhan Odlum-Smith — 100M Freestyle
  • Luc Chevrier — ILCA 7 Dinghy Class

 The support team comprises:

  • Helena Renée-Emmanuel — Saint Lucia’s Chef de Mission for the Paris Olympics
  • Kenvin McPhee — Athletics Coach
  • Franck Chevrier — Head – Sailing Delegation
  • Zhenya Carine Allain — Physiotherapist
  • Fred Vergnoux — Swimming Coach

The St. Lucia Olympic Committee (SLOC) Inc. wishes our team the best of success at the Paris Olympics.

SOURCE: St. Lucia Olympic Committee (SLOC) Inc.





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  1. Proud of you Michael 👏👏 👏 Best wishes to you and the rest of Team St. Lucia 🇱🇨 🇱🇨 🇱🇨 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  2. He is really working hard and most times he seems to be a forgotten athlete. We need to give him more support to elevate him, even when he isn’t victorious at the major international events as yet. He is still successful, has brought home many medals and more to come.

  3. I’m blaming the media for not spreading the word on Michael. This is important news. This is worthy to be thought on. This is valuable. This is Great!! Yall are waiting for when he medals at the Olympics to spread word about him. Let’s do better. He’s been working hard to represent not only himself but SLU. The least we can do is big up our boy!!! He’s deserving of so much more than what we are giving. Let’s do better!!!

  4. Bravo! St. Lucia Team. We wish you all success. Put your best foot forward. We’re behind you all the way, ride or die. God bless

  5. My sister and I met your father in St. Lucia earlier this year when he drove us to our rental from the airport and back. We have been following you and wish you the very best of luck on The 8th!!
    Liz Bigwood and Mary-Jane Evans (US and UK)


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