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Officer Training, Transparency Urged After Fatal Police Shooting

The latest fatal police shooting in Saint Lucia has caused human rights activist Felicia Dujon to voice concern about the use of lethal force by Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) officers.

According to her, while police officers must maintain public safety, they should also justify using deadly force.

On Saturday, July 20th, officers fatally shot Marigot resident Maxwell Leo, alias ‘Hennessy’.

Police said they were responding to information regarding a suspected robbery and disclosed that the deceased was on bail for a previous firearm offense.

“Police officers are tasked with upholding the law and ensuring public safety, but this must not come at the expense of basic human rights,” Felicia Dujon told St. Lucia Times.

She said there should be a clear protocol and stringent training to guide officers regarding when lethal force is justified and a last resort.

Dujon would like the police commissioner to be transparent about the training and guidelines that dictate officers’ actions in potentially lethal situations.

The human rights advocate believes the public deserves to know under what circumstances lethal force is deemed necessary.

Dujon questioned whether fatal police shootings are in self-defence or other factors are involved, such as frustration with the spike in violent crimes.

“What the police are actually supposed to do is to arrest the person, take the person in, and charge the person. When you kill someone, you have not given the person due recourse, because the person does not even know what they’re charged for, and that is not the role of the police officer, ” she stated.

Dujon supported establishing an independent agency to investigate police-involved fatal shootings.

She believes this would ensure impartiality and foster greater trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.


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  1. Ms Dujon, you seem to missed the point. In your attempt to appear relevant, you are failing to recognise that the criminal was armed and fired at the police in the process. in addition, there were 5 criminals in the escape vehicle and they refused to adhere to the police request to stop. They even damaged the police vehicle in their quest to escape. Madam Dujon, please play the game fair. At 2:30am, the police are not supposed to be negotiating with criminals. I find the police were too soft in their treatment of these criminals. With only one dead, this shows tremendous restraint on the part of the police. Madam Dujon, please respect the police and the dangerous and environment within which they have to operate.

  2. you are right on that point madam. but I not vex when a criminal kick the bucket that’s one less on the street.

  3. Stop complaining when the police kill a criminal let them do their jobs.When they stand down people complain.St.Lucia have to much crime and to much guns

  4. When criminals kill innocent people nothing from humans rights..all the hypocrites know full well what Hennessy and his gangs were involved in

  5. Yh, so it seems the Police just pulled out a gun and shot the man.
    What are the roles and responsibilities of Law Enforcement?

  6. Pardon me for rolling my eyes. I don’t think Trump shooter experienced:

    “What the police are actually supposed to do is to arrest the person, take the person in, and charge the person. When you kill someone, you have not given the person due recourse, because the person does not even know what they’re charged for, and that is not the role of the police officer.”

    Did I mention this is from the country of the human rights people? Sorry if I forgot to do so. Those inconvenient challenges always come to mind. Excuse me for paying attention.

  7. 🥱🥱… Yeh and when all them shooting up places with no regard to other persons life we say what miss human rights advocate. I think the same energy that the criminals show to civilians is exactly what they should receive from the police. Due process for the innocent who did not have a chance to live. 🥱

  8. Human Rights Activist (HRA), please remind me of the last time a Police Officer shot an innocent or law-abiding citizen? Go ahead, I’ll wait. HRA = attorney for the criminals.

  9. I don’t get her point. Dujon isn’t actually saying anything important or relevant.

    Why not let the investigative process play out to get the facts. Her statement does more to show her ignorance than her advocacy. I bet she is responding to things she has heard on calling talk shows.

    I bet she will sleep well tonight tell herself “I said something yay!”

    Human Rights activist? Self described … self honored…

  10. Doing what job .Look a Young.guy went to pick up his Kid on-board his car he was Fatally shot about 20Times infront of the pre School The Human Advocate address this .Infront a Pre School .F#####y

  11. These So called Human Rights are Criminals Advocate and Anti police .That’s why St.Lucia will soon become Little Haiti.These are the Truth that Spoil St.Lucia.Politricks(Politics).So Called Human Rights(Criminals Advocate) and Bad Parents

  12. Some of you are so dumb the police is not the court of justice get that into the bone heads of some st lucians

  13. Dujon! … Dujon! … Dujon! … How many times did I call your name? (In my Nigerian accent)

  14. Dujon you are in your comfort of ur home with ur family and all u do is just wait when police officers act for u to be heard. Were u aware that Hennessy and his 15 stupid boys terrorized my family in canaries because of they assumed the guy who got the cocaine on the sea in soufriere was hiding it at the people home. Big guns slapping the people saying pass his cocaine or else he making him a strainer. There are some police shootings that needs investigated. But really this one doesn’t for me. I want u to comment on the threats that were made towards the police officers too. So stop playing games because u are human rights activist. Be realistic and have a balance view of everything.

  15. I become uneasy when we have people agitating for justice for persons known to the police but remain silent when an innocent bystander is victimized/murdered. Makes you wonder where people like Dijon priority lies. Where is her voice on the death threat to the police personnel? Secondly this news outlet needs to retract this story because evidence is coming to light that is contrary to what has been reported. It’s sad that we get lost in sensationalism, lacking the discipline to do the work necessary to print factual accounts of any incident.

  16. Amani you who these nothing does not come to speak like that if it was a member of your family that the police had killed on and some that you would not talk so let madame dujon do his work the police son dirty are dogs and we all know that many of them are fake they will break the law so shut your big mouth with these dirty police


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