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Police Probe Fatal Shooting In Babonneau

Police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred at Babonneau Tuesday afternoon.

Dead is Devon Maximin, also known as Couteau of Talvern, Babonneau.

According to reports, the thirty-six-year-old driver of a Nissan Sunny had gone to pick up his daughter and another family member at a preschool when two waiting assailants discharged several shots in his direction.

Maximin sustained multiple penetrative injuries while his vehicle was also hit several times.

So far in 2024, Saint Lucia has recorded forty-five homicides.

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  1. To make a family man pay for his dirty, worthless and useless brother’s sins is sad. You all young fellas need to change your lives because your innocent family members sometimes get stuck paying the price.

  2. In front of a preschool in broad daylight??? In front of all the children???
    These criminals have no hope…
    Lord have mercy

  3. Human Rights Advocate what do you have to say .Not a word will be Uttered from you because its not Police Shooting.Thats why St.Lucia is upside down with Crime

  4. To make a family man pay for his dirty, worthless and useless brother’s sins is sad. Let the criminal brother rot in jail as he deserved, but why take out the one who lived his life right. You all young fellas need to change your lives because your innocent family members sometimes get stuck paying the price.

  5. So infront of a preschool That’s to show you’ll them criminals don’t give a dumb where they take out rivals. So when the police get them doing their shate just take them out. They have no conscience.

  6. The kids must be traumatized…They need to get down to the bottom of this shooting,right next to the school smh.And rumour has it that the shooting is some form of retaliation for his USELESS brother who is incarcerated.

  7. Where I live in the U.S the law is “no weapon is allowed 1000 feet away from a school”. In this shooting incident bail would have been an automatic $1,000,000. This is to ensure that the criminal remains behind bars until his day in court where he would rot behind bars serving his life sentence. This is how you clean up the streets and let innocent and decent people enjoy their lives.

    In St Lucia this killer does not need to run. He could make life easy for him; just turn himself in, pay his $10,000 or so bail, and go on his merry way (back on the streets to terrorize people). Easy come easy go..

    Those that are threatening the police should have already been arrested. In St St Lucia the criminal element has more weaponry power than the police. I see police patrolling the streets without a weapon. Security guards in St Lucia carry a weapon but the police don’t; making it look like security guards have more authority than the police. In this modern age a police officer needs to be fully equipped at all times; carry your weapon, your taser, pepper spray, handcuffs, protective vests etc. Despite the good job you guys are doing you are still not 100% ready.

  8. St. Lucia police is doing nothing different than the American or French police in response to terror. The problem with these “activists” is that they have allowed foreign masters to define who is a terrorist. Our terrorist is not the guy firing mortar rounds from Lebanon into Israel. It’s not even the guy setting bombs in Baghdad. They have no fight with us. Our terrorists are ones terrorizing the local population. It smacks of neocolonialism, when we are told who are our terrorists. Historically, amongst our population, there have always been people who made other people’s bidding a priority. Don’t think for one minute I don’t support human rights, I just don’t support it for terrorists…the same way other countries do. Fortunately, there is a rising movement that started in Central America that challenges the present day paradigm of a terrorist.

    The most amazing thing about the situation, these slack-jawed idiots insist on reporting this country to places that keep Black Sites. These are places all over the world where unimaginable horrors occur. The White’s man’s security is paramount to them. Not ours. It’s definitely not about principle for them.


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