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Police Seek Public Assistance In Babonneau Homicide Probe

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) has requested public assistance in their probe into Tuesday afternoon’s fatal shooting at Cacao, Babonneau.

The police have identified the deceased as 38-year-old Devon Maximin of Talvern, Babonneau.

The RSLPF has requested anyone with information regarding the incident to contact the Babonneau Police Station at 456-4120 or the Major Crimes Unit at 456-3754.

Alternatively, they can provide anonymous tips by dialing 555 (the Crime Hotline) or using the RSLPF Crime Hotline Application, available in the Google Play Store.

According to reports, Devon Maximin sustained multiple gunshot injuries as he was about to pick up his daughter and another family member at a preschool.

Several shots hit his vehicle, raising concern that it occurred in a school area.

“When it happened I think most of the kids were in the day care and the preschool,” a female Babonneau resident told reporters anonymously.

However, the resident said when she arrived on the scene, only one child was in the institution.

“The body was there for the longest while,” she stated.

“They target the guy, I guess cos there were no bullets anywhere else but direct on the car and the guy,” the resident told reporters.

She said the shooting occurred at a time when parents and sometimes older siblings usually pick up children, some of whom had already left.

“So many parents coming in and out. Now I even say we have to stop drivers driving in the yard. Let them drop the kids out at the gate cos this is too much,” the resident declared.
She explained that the learning institution was closed on Wednesday.

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  1. I cannot believe my people myroots cannot even speak properly anymore and those writing the reports seems to the same to not in a million years growing up in the marquis river I have ever heard the word cos meaning because just guess my people have glorify the Jamaican slang so much they even forgot how speak anymore and thinking they sound really cool then maybe they adopted the Jamaican bad style too that’s why we have a serious gun problem there right now
    But that been said there seems to some people bent on cause serious harm and death to others in the hill20 / talvern area and because there is no witnesses so definitely no prosecusion so the mayhem continues


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