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Man Shot Dead At Balata

The deadly gun violence plaguing Saint Lucia continued Wednesday, with a fatal shooting that claimed the life of a man at Balata, Castries.

A family member identified the deceased as Darius Joe, who had mental issues.

According to reports, Joe sustained two gunshot wounds and died on the road.

Emergency responders from the Babonneau Fire Station rushed to the scene after learning about the shooting at about 1:26 pm, but Joe had already succumbed.

A close family member decried the violence that has been sweeping the country, declaring that lenient penalties are partly to blame.

“The criminals have an opportunity to do what they do and believe they can escape,” he stated.

The relative said he did not know of any issues the unemployed deceased had with anybody.

However, the relative told St. Lucia Times that Joe was ‘not normal.’

“He had mental issues,” the relative said, adding that the deceased required constant medication.

Wednesday’s fatal shooting was the second in the past twenty-four hours.

On Tuesday, at about 4:20 pm the Babonneau Police Station responded to a fatal shooting report at Cacao, Babonneau, and found a motionless male near a parked car.

They identified the deceased as thirty-eight-year-old Devon Maximin of
Talvern, Babonneau.

So far, in 2024, Saint Lucia has recorded 46 homicides, mainly due to gun violence.

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  1. awa awa awa…something really wrong with this country…my God Lord use a way your way to put a hand arm and leg in St. Lucia…wat the man do somebody?? the police really need to step up more than they are doing….healing and a purge needs to take place in this country…..these criminals have gone too far..

  2. Thats the sad issue here. Alot of Mentally ill people walking all over with no help and support from the system. The Mental Institution here has failed, They can no longer help. their hands are full. They just give them medication and drop them back on the streets. The family is left to deal with the stress. What did the young man do to deserve his death. We have alot of wicked people here. The devil taking over their souls. The anger and jealousy has gotten at its worst here. People will kill for anything here and get away with it. Lord have Mercy on This Island

  3. The government is sitting on their exposed behinds…..they need to implement new measures to catch the people who are Willy nilly committing crime…first they should have gone after the gang who threatened the police on social media or give them 24 hours to hand themselves in or get themselves ready to be collected by the police strapped to the teeth…. secondly, the government needs to implement a vehicle database plus CCTV system covering all roads entrance and exit on the island…CCTV should have number plate recognition capabilities to identify vehicles ..these criminals are not walking on foot, they have motor bikes, cars, etc etc….they are traveling around…this system is bound to catch then…all police vehicles should be equipped with number plate recognition capabilities….you will catch unlicensed drivers, uninsured drivers, in other instances, you can place a particular vehicle in a particular place at a particle time and day…. making crime interdiction easier… Thirdly, we need draconian laws to punish illegal gun possession and gun crime…bail should be set so high making almost unpalatable for a criminal to pay it….them throw him/ her behind bars….give them due process then once found guilty minimum 15 yrs behind bars just for illegal gun possession….. Pierre is too soft on these criminals…you cannot give criminals more rights abiding citizens….once you are a criminal, your life should be uncomfortable due to the process of law…. Pierre is sleep walking into nightmare and doing nothing about it….if nothing is done..I can confidently say we will lose the Island to anarchy and lawlessness where half the population is living in fear and the other half is feeding on that fear…..

  4. Nothing on blackwoman like me who call for help,on arriving on the scène, the us cops realised that a kettle of extremly boiling water, the cops ordered her to put off the stove,she insisted,instead hold the kettle behind her and began to say in the name of Jesus…
    The cops did waste time,shot her instantly,and fall on the kettle of her boiling and get what deserved for using the name of Jesus in vain..
    The name of Jesus is a compelling power to make fall(perish),or Stand !!!!

  5. WHY WHY WHY can’t this Government (and all the previous Governments) put huge efforts into Mental Health and Crime control in St Lucia?! The two are interlinked. Shocking murderous people live on this island. So many deaths due to mental health, both by their own hand (despair and no support) and vicious people in their own communities who think its their right to take a life because the person is not “normal”. It’s not normal to kill either! WOW – just horrified. Until people look very closely at themselves and their hard hearts, there is no future here…

  6. We crucified the Author of Life,saying : Let his blood fall on us and our children ”….

  7. I have said once and saying it again it’s not like the government are out of tools they have at their disposal as we speak all the tools in their tools box to get the country fixed not patched but fixed but for one reason or another they choose not to use the tools they have so mess goes on until one day someone with be in position to open that toolbox and start fixing this place 4 good again

  8. Their have cameras everyweh da happen everybody know who that do that already you’ll playing ting because is da man da do dat . D yute innocent gason. Try n go t morne n hold dat yute for my cuz cause I go take it in my own hands.


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