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‘Today, More People Are Better Off’

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre addressed the nation on the third anniversary of his Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) election win, touting his administration’s record in office.

He recalled that the electorate entrusted the SLP with the mandate to put the people first in country-wide decision-making.

“Every day for over 1,000 days, we have strived to do this in Parliament, in Cabinet, in our constituencies, in our departments, when representing your interest both at home and abroad,” Pierre stated.

“We have governed with compassion and a desire to unite our country once again,” he noted.

“I invited two independent MPs to join my Cabinet to show that as a country, we can work together despite political differences,” the PM observed.

The statement referenced Castries North MP Stephenson King and Castries Central MP Richard Frederick.

Both are members of the SLP cabinet.

Pierre stated that his administration had emphasised the youth, who have been able to turn their hobbies into entrepreneurship and their skills into business through the Youth Economy.

He also pointed to education assistance for parents, with millions spent over the past two years helping them purchase books, uniforms, and school supplies, providing laptops to secondary school students, and over $22 million in school repairs.

In addition, Pierre noted ‘great strides’ in providing better care, with Universal Health Coverage already benefitting seniors and expecting mothers and children.

He spoke of construction work at St. Jude Hospital, which will soon be complete, thanks to a $200 million loan from the Saudi Government.

Pierre observed that after St Jude’s commissioning, the George Odlum National Stadium will also be reinstated.

“We are not yet where we need to be with health and social care but we are making great strides,” the Prime Minister declared.

“Your Government ensured that all taxpayers earning $25,000 or less will pay no income tax. Next week, we will also introduce a minimum wage for Saint Lucia. Today, more people are better off,” he asserted.

Despite outlining other government measures, including reintroducing the Distress Fund, Pierre acknowledged that challenges and threats to governance, including security threats, still exist.

“As a country, we all must continue to play our part in fighting crime. Your Government is investing in the police, in CCTV cameras, in new police stations, in police equipment, in new courthouses, in a hall of justice, but we all must play our part in being our brother and sister’s keeper, in keeping Saint Lucia clean, green and safe,” he stated.

The statement came amid an alarming surge in violent crime, resulting in 46 homicides so far in 2024, mostly involving the use of illegal guns.

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  1. Why are politicians such liars?

    You didn’t invite these two snakes. They went for the $$$$$.

    Are we better off. Wow. Both the cost os living and dying have skyrocketed. Fuel have remained high and J and sons have been on mute. RAY…Ind and concur with you. All you politicians are t****** and r******. I won’t vote for either of you.

    By the way, after three years Guy and Co. are still walking freely.

    🐦 of a 🪶 flock together.

  2. Really please adjust your glasses or get a better prescription. Only you and your friends are better off…smh politricks again…

  3. That’s right Mr. PM. Say it loud and clear for Chas and his cohorts to hear even though their fingers are all up in their ears. So, as the Honorable Lucian Highgrade say, let them cry me a river. 😂😂😂😂

  4. Clean, green and safe??

    Like I said, deluded. There is nothing clean, green or safe about this island. Living in cloud cuckoo land…..

  5. You have to look into the matter
    Concerns hotels pushing out vendors
    Locals can’t make business this is bad
    We have no voice those person’s in high power have mercy on the Poor hunger

  6. Please show me the statistics to support this statement. Show me figures to support this, otherwise, it’s just more campaign talk.


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