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‘SLP Celebrates Three Years Of Good Governance’

On the third anniversary of the Saint Lucia Labour Party’s overwhelming victory at the polls on 26th July 2021, Prime Minister and SLP Leader, Hon. Philip J. Pierre has thanked the people of Saint Lucia for placing their confidence in himself and his Cabinet colleagues.

In a televised address today, the Prime Minister said, “On this 3rd anniversary, I want to thank you once again for the confidence you placed in my colleagues and I. The mandate you entrusted in us, was to put people first in the decisions made for this country. Everyday for over 1,000 days, we have strived to do this in Parliament, in Cabinet, in our constituencies, in our departments, when representing your interest both at home and abroad. As a party, we remain committed to delivering governance that is based on values, ethics and standards in public life.”

 Hon. Philip J. Pierre then went on to list some of the myriad achievements of his administration in the last three years, which included an emphasis on youth through the Youth Economy and Educational opportunities, initiatives in Agriculture and Fishing, in Health Care and the acquisition of funding to complete St. Jude’s Hospital and rehabilitate the George Odlum Stadium, to combat inflation through massive Subsidies and Assistance to Pensioners, to further develop  the Tourism sector and the enhancement of Cultural activities.

He also stressed his Party’s commitment to good governance. “We have governed with compassion and a desire to unite our country once again. I invited two independent MPs to join my Cabinet to show that as a country, we can work together despite political differences. We did not engage in any reprisal or vengeance in Government or the Public Service, as some Administrations unfortunately engage in. We have embraced all Saint Lucians who mean well and want our country to progress. We have demonstrated confidence in our judiciary by making the Caribbean Court of Justice as our final Appellate Court. I hope that by governing with compassion, with meritocracy, with humility, we can set the tone and example for the country as a whole, in particular for our youth.”

Prime Minister Pierre assured Saint Lucians that the future of the country was bright with the SLP: “Your Government will put you the people first in its every decision. We won’t turn our backs on you. We are here for you. We thank you for your support. We ask that you continue to hold us to account, and we will continue to proudly serve you. Our future is bright together. God bless Saint Lucia, God Bless our families.”

 The SLP takes this opportunity to congratulate Political Leader and Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre and his Cabinet of Ministers on a successful three (3) years of progressive people-first policies thus far.

 SOURCE: Saint Lucia Labour Party. PHOTO: Philip J. Pierre addresses SLP rally (Courtesy SLP).

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  1. Yeaaasaah eight more years eight more years eight more years……and we will. Has anyone seen the state of their race track ??? Jeeezas what a shame what a waste of resources, the uproot and displacement of people livelihood, the multi million dollar meat processing plant, they well quiet these days King paving roads,minor setbacks with the hurricane but that’s how it go we live in that region

  2. Man, the Cap Estate red click and the ones being put first. Only things seemingly successful are carnival and Jazz where they have a vested interest. Everything else Healthcare, CIP, Fuel prices, Cost of Living, in shambles!

  3. I didn’t even want to bother with Pip’s foolishness. However I will make 2 points out of a hundred or more possible to show that Pip and Labor are full of it.
    First: Labor keeps fooling fools with their slogan “Putting You First”. Pathetic! Here’s an example: During the World Cup AND ONLY THEN, the Gros Islet Polyclinic operated 24 hours. What? Do you mean Saint Lucians don’t get sick or have medical emergencies at ungodly hours if World Cup is not on?
    World Cup is long over: YOU tell me whether the Polyclinic is still operating 24 hours. And can you also tell me WHO is Labor putting first? Is it not the same foreigners they complained so bitterly about?
    So Pip and company EVERY TIME you say “Putting You First” you are LYING!
    My 2nd point is very simple: Right now, Saint Lucians (including me) are having a much more difficult time than we faced during Covid-19. Don’t take my word for it: go to the supermarket; buy fuel for your vehicle; go get a cylinder of LPG to do your cooking. In every single way, by every measure, we are worse off than we were during Covid-19.
    I would welcome any of the Labor hacks pointing out areas that we are better off.


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