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One Man Dead, Another Injured After Dennery Shooting

One man is dead, and another was rushed to hospital in the latest deadly gun violence incident in Saint Lucia, police have confirmed.

Police disclosed that the fatal shooting occurred at about 6:30 pm on Saturday at La Ressource, Dennery.

However, the circumstances surrounding the incident were not immediately apparent.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded 47 homicides in 2024.


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  1. It’s time the government get serious on crime. Pierre your pussy footing approach is not working. As the leader of the country you must be at the forefront spare heading the response. We are losing a generation of men? Uhmm…boys, infants who clearly lack social skills. By now the ratio of women to men in Saint Lucia should be close to 3:1 and it will get worse. Any body from the SLP Adminstration, Prime minister, crime minister, King, Frederick get off your comfy senate seats and do something … again I leave you with some ideas:

    – Call a National symposium on the threat of crime and criminal activity in Saint Lucia. All stakeholders should be involved. Schools, businesses (private and public), sports clubs, churches (although I think these are useless but they are part of society and therefore must play a part), regional governments.

    – After the national symposium, call a symposium for each constituency in Saint Lucia to listen to community members on how they are affected by crime. Much information can gathered by this.

    – give a 6 months gun amnesty for anyone with illegal guns and ammunition to give it up at any police station or designated tamper proof and secure bins distributed island wide in areas that are discreet so people can give up the illegal weapons in a way that doesn’t expose them to the public view. Those who give up these illegal items won’t face prosecution by the law. However, after the amnesty has passed, anyone caught with illegal guns and ammunition will face the full force of the law. The law must be updated and strengthened and more draconian for the possession of illegal guns and ammunition. Minimum 10 years in prison and that number goes up based on the circumstances of the crime committed. Say a individual was stopped and searched and found to have an illegal weapon, 10 years of prison on the spot. If and individual robbed in individual or business with a weapon, 15 years on the spot, if an individual commit grievous bodily harm with a weapon 30 years in prison on the spot…for first degree murder with a weapon life in prison..and life means life, no parole…2nd degree murder 40 years in prison with the possibility of parole.

    – Bail should be discouraged but if it is given, it should be set extremely high. EC $500,000. Minimum. Strength laws to make it unpalatable for criminals to commit crime or be caught with illegal weapons.

    – school outreach programmes. All schools on the island must be part of a national programme that identify early signs of truancy in children/ students. These students should be referred to an newly created organisation of qualified clinical psychologist, doctors, social workers who will work with the individual to get down to the root of their deviant behaviour. The deviant child will also have a peer or peers of the same age group who will work with them as a positive peer pressure group. Academics should be given priority for the deviant individual. Socialisation should be arranged around things individuals do for their age group.

    – Family unit strengthening. Too many dysfunctional families in Saint Lucia. This is the primary cause of the issues we have. Government should place emphasis on proper parenting whether it be a nuclear or single parent family. The raring of children should be given utmost priority as they are the future of the nation. Perhaps another organisation can be created to spare head the functional and contributing citizen initiative. This body will be responsible for teaching ethics, what it means to be a functional and contributing citizen, the benefits of being a contributing citizen to society etc etc.

    Pierre needs to step up otherwise all his self aggrandising after 3 years in government will be undone by this criminal scourge on society. Pierre must understand that his success is based on the people’s assessment that they have peace and prosperity… Pierre is touting that he brings prosperity but he ain’t bringing the peace but he must realise that these two, peace and prosperity are inextricably linked…

    Like I have said before on many posts on this platform, hit me up if you want more ideas…

  2. This is so sad. We need to Unite, and not Fight. We need to let Unity Unfold, and leave Hate and Division out in the Cold.

  3. C-WIZ, I feel your frustration just like me and at least you are bringing up a solution which is non-existent in the government. But who’s listening! They have remained quiet and have absolutely no resolution to the rampant crime in St. Lucia.
    The amnesty program would be a good place to start. It worked very well in my society-turn your weapon in and we do not want to know who you are. But this will not work in St, Lucia unless the the judiciary laws are changed. Why will I turn my weapon in when bail for me is almost a free pass. There is no obstruction, no deterrence or stiff penalty for me to even to think of turning in my weapon.

    One other thing they can do is to have law enforcement personnel go to all schools and give rigid and fundamental classes on crime. Educate what’s left behind while they are ahead in order to save our society. You can even make Crime a mandatory subject in school, cause a lot of these criminals out there are non educated. If we cannot get them to take the proper path when they leave school then St Lucia will be the Mother Nature of Crime.

    In addition, we are hearing about the arrests but we are not hearing about the result of the court cases. We do not even know who is convicted, confined to prision, term limit, case dismissed, or even who’s released behind closed doors. Crime is not a priority for the government, it’s not even on their agenda; in other words that’s not my responsibility. I guess you call that “Protecting the Victory”.

  4. A society needs four legs to stand on:

    Healthcare system
    Education system
    Criminal justice system

    St Lucia has all four in jeopardy..

  5. Losing a brother is crazy….. so y’all goin feel the same pain me n my family felt!


  6. Cwiz if those are your brilliant ideas then it’s safe to say we are doomed.

    Armnesty has been tried in the past with marginal success. The same can arguably be said about police visiting schools. It’s asinine to imply the PM should Micro-manage crime when his primary duties should be to provide resources to the Executive branch or more specifically the RSLPF. Take him to task if the aforementioned is lacking but outside of this is his tenacity to tolerate mediocrity from the upper echelon in the police force that remains suspect. Subject to correction but I doubt there’s anyone with a proven record amongst the hierarchy that’s deserving of the job of Commissioner. Serious consideration should be given to outsourcing suitable prospects for the job. That being said it’s evident innovative ideas and even the application of conventional tactics seem nonexistent within the ranks. Crime is festering because miscreants fancy their chances of getting away. There’s simply a lack of police presence on our streets. I cannot stress enough the need for squad cars to be on our major highways 24/7. There’s a need for attractive monetary incentives to be paid to informers. The police should work with telecommunications providers to send out the likes of Amber Alerts to close in on getaway vehicles. There’s also the need to set up mobile watchtower with armed policemen in hot zones and relocate base on intelligence. A K9 unit at random locations on our streets should be customary. Roadblocks are now ineffective due to smart devices. Our entry ports need to be equipped with more sophisticated detectors. Drones presence /training should be extensive especially at our borders. Bottom line… There’s lots our Police force isn’t doing. We are busy complaining about what’s lacking instead of making better use of the meager we have. Night courts… Family programs… . Harsher penalties are all part of the equation if we are to deter criminals. Those who insist on making this partisan needs to look at 2017 when we had the highest annual percentage increase in our entire history. Since this upsurge no one has been able to ameliorate successfully.

  7. I totally agree with this person @ trend everything said is in line with my thinking but again and again we know as well as the police organization knows those hot spots around the island and they have been hot spots for years and continue to be hot spots I don’t understand why much effort and resources not been put to water down those hot areas so people can live in peace the clamp and continue to clamp down on these nogoods until not even a catapaul they are allowed farless a firearm
    Now just keep in mind it’s just a hand full of people holding citizen at ransom in this country only a handful of nogoods sowing chaos in this country so goes back to the government again they just ain’t ready yet not that they can’t do it just ain’t ready yet because it hasn’t hit close enough to their home yet

  8. A blind guide !
    Woe to depend on the legs of pierre for strength and his arms for help !!

  9. Choose Life !
    For the LORD is your life,and he will give many years in the land he (swore to give 🌈…


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