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Homicide Victim, Wife Had Planned Wedding Anniversary Cruise

Sabina Justin and her husband, Pascal Justin, were looking forward to a sunset cruise on Friday to celebrate their wedding anniversary when his fatal stabbing brought a tragic end to their plan.

The couple would have been married for twenty-seven years on the following day.

However, tragedy struck on Wednesday.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) said at about 7:00 pm, Dennery Police Station officers learned that Pascal sustained chest wounds during an altercation and was conveyed to the Dennery Hospital.

The La Pointe, Dennery, resident who was the father of five children, later succumbed.

Police have since arrested a twenty-four-year-old male from the same community in connection with the Island’s 60th homicide.

The deceased’s wife, Sabina, told reporters that her husband was well-known and a good man in the community who did not look for trouble with anyone.

She recalled that when he was not at home at the usual time, assuming he was buying bait to go fishing the next day, she telephoned him and heard that he was on his way.

Sabina tearfully recalled that they would quibble over which one loved the other more, eventually agreeing that they both loved each other equally.

The distraught wife also recounted that her husband had asserted that only death would break their marriage.

“So said, so done,” Sabina lamented.


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  1. I feel for Sabina and the siblings. I hope they can recover from this tragedy in due time. However, inquisitive minds would like to know the killer’s motive.

  2. My sincere condolences to a senseless death be strong hold on to God He will see you through you are in mt prayers Claretta,s Mum I heard the sad news


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