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BOSL Launches First Ever Sustainable Leaf Visa Credit Card

Earlier this week, Bank of Saint Lucia launched the first-of-its-kind Leaf Visa Credit Card. The card is made from sustainable materials which represents its commitment to combining environmental stewardship with financial innovation.

The Leaf Visa Credit Card is an acronym for Love Environment Access Funds, which offers financial independence but also serves as a symbol of commitment to a greener future.

This new credit card caters specifically to young adults, providing them with the opportunity to learn responsible credit management while supporting environmental sustainability.

With a lower credit limit than traditional credit cards, the BOSL Leaf Visa Credit Card is designed to meet the needs of first-time cardholders. This lower limit offers young adults a comfortable way to begin their credit journey, easing the pressure associated with larger credit lines and promoting responsible spending habits.

The BOSL Leaf Visa Credit Card’s construction from eco-friendly materials is a proud moment for BOSL’s which also aligns with its mission to reduce its environmental footprint.

“We’re incredibly proud to launch the BOSL Leaf Visa Credit Card, a product that reflects both our environmental values and our commitment to empowering young people financially,” said Lyndon Arnold, Deputy Managing Director responsible for Operations at BOSL.

Adding to statements made, Mrs. Tarbula Aimable Amedee, Manager – Card Services remarked: “This card offers a responsible way for young adults to learn how to manage credit while supporting a sustainable world.”

SOURCE: Bank of Saint Lucia

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