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“She Was A Lovely Person” – Homicide Victim’s Relative Speaks

A close family member of Sofia Munoz, whose lifeless body was discovered on September 27, says the 24-year-old was liked by many.

“She was a lovely person, everybody liked her … she was a young lady… a beautiful lady, she was stuck in a relationship. At this moment, all that is gone. There is nothing that we can do,” Munoz’s relative, who requested anonymity, told reporters.

The deceased young woman had been living in Saint Lucia for three years.

She resided in Cap Estate and was an intern at the Saint Lucia Animal Protection Society (SLAPS).

On Friday, Munoz’s body was discovered in a pool of blood in a bathroom in Monier, Gros Islet, bearing multiple stab wounds to her mid and lower back area.

“To tell you the truth, the last time I saw [her] was on the morning of Thursday, September 26, and after that I never saw her again,” Munoz’s relative said, adding, “at this moment, we don’t know what happened.”

A statement released by the Saint Lucia Fire Service revealed that a 24-year-old male was also found alive on the scene with multiple puncture wounds and lacerations to his upper body.

He was treated, then transported to a medical facility.

Munoz’s family is waiting for authorities to carry out investigations to determine what exactly happened.

“The only thing I can tell you is the people who are here with us were so, so, so, so kind and I only ask to pray for [Sofia]. That’s all that I ask to all of you, to keep praying for her, and thanks for all the support and all the help that you are trying to give us.”


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  1. pray for her? why ? she will not come back uh. but really what is going on with that particular incident. why is it so much like a tight lip. is the one arrested the don if a high man or woman ?

  2. The individual of interest is known…but it is by law kept under wraps FOR SOME reason until proven guilty..that his identity kept anonymous…..we will never know the true story…he can spin a web of lies….she is not able to defend herself….but as man…not even a father….as a man….if that were my child…my sister….that guy would be better off infront of a firing squad..

  3. Was the suspected individual a local or a foreigner?
    St Lucian reporters need professional training. Do not leave listeners hanging. We are left to speculate. It’s the same as the politicians. So sad.

  4. Was it a love affair gone wrong ? Jealousy is deadly. What else can it be ? Lived in Cap but found in house Monier Gros Islet. A clue coming from relative . “She was stuck in a relationship “. Was it with one of her own countrymen or a local . If it was the former, did she have local male acquaintances ? By the way, what nationalities are one, the injured male and two, the suspect ? Put the pieces together. Rip young lady.

  5. It’s been almost 1 week of her death, & the media/Police still haven’t gotten a full statement from jo**** as yet? It’s a bit strange that their hiding something. Whatever is in the dark will come to light anyway, sooner or later if the media won’t post his name, then *The truth* will. I don’t support this at all. I hope her family heals from this.


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