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Hilaire Discusses Redesigning Kweyol Heritage Month

Kweyol Heritage Month is celebrated in Saint Lucia every October, culminating in the grand celebration of Jounen Kweyol during the last weekend of the month.

This week the Minister for Tourism, Investment, Culture, Creative Industry and Information Dr. Ernest Hilaire, shared his thoughts on the celebrations this year.

Asked whether he thought this year’s activity would be bigger than last year, the Minister was reluctant to affirm.

“I do not know if it will be bigger than last year,” Hilaire replied.

“We have had so much for the year, if you just reflect on the year that we have had in Saint Lucia in terms of some of the achievements, from jazz, carnival, Julien Alfred, Cricket and more cricket with CPL and don’t ask if the kings win the CPL,” he went on to say.

Dr. Hilaire said that there may be the possibility of another motorcade if the Saint Lucia Kings wins the CPL finals on Sunday, having qualified on Wednesday.

He also highlighted successful celebrations of Emancipation in August as well as the La Rose Festival.

“We are now preparing for Kweyol Heritage Month and of course La Marguerite celebrations. So I cannot tell you much more than to tell you I am just looking forward to enjoying the month. It is probably the month when I put on the most weight and I am looking forward to it,” Hilaire stated.

The minister disclosed however that he has been in discussion with the Folk Research Centre, the principal agency for Kweyol Heritage Month about redesigning the occasion to make the whole of Saint Lucia the space for the event.

“This is already happening to some extent outside of the formal structure. But the intention is to realize a non-stop celebration throughout the island,’ he said.

Dr. Hilaire’s vision is for every community to stage an aspect of our culture for which that community may be well known during the month, as opposed to each community trying to do everything.

“So we can try that instead of just three or four communities with each community presenting what they are best known for in terms of their history and their culture,” he further explained.

According to Hilaire, Kweyol fashion is something he would very much like to see more of during the month of October.

“I would like to see an emphasis on fashion and people wearing the creole wear, whether it is the madras or African wear, because it is really about our creolness and that mixing and coming together of cultures. So, if we can put more emphasis on fashion and clothing, wear these for the entire month or at least every Friday in October, this would definitely make a major statement,” Hilaire said.

FILE PHOTO: Dr. Ernest Hilaire taking questions from a group of news reporters.

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