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Grenada Conference Explores Sargassum Economic Opportunities

The 2nd EU-Caribbean Global Gateway Conference on Sargassum, held in Grenada, wrapped up with a renewed commitment to collect the invasive seaweed before it reaches shore, with the aim of creating sustainable value chains.

The two-day conference, themed “Turning the Tide: Sustainable Practices and Economic Opportunities for Sargassum in the Caribbean Basin,” attracted over 400 stakeholders from government, academia, and the private sector.

It aimed to address the socio-economic impacts of Sargassum, which has significantly affected tourism and fisheries in the region.

Co-chaired by Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell, OECS Director General Dr. Didacus Jules, and EU Commission’s Mr. Felix Fernandez-Shaw, the conference brought together Caribbean leaders to address this pressing environmental issue.

During a High-Level Forum, participants underscored the urgency of transforming Sargassum from a problem into an economic opportunity.

“This includes catalysing research and innovation in a common space, promoting public private partnerships and enhancing predictability and forecasting on the availability of Sargassum supply,” emphasised Fernandez-Shaw.

The forum also encouraged the development of national strategies for collecting and processing Sargassum, calling for a harmonised approach across the Caribbean.

Prime Minister Mitchell declared his goal to initiate offshore collection of Sargassum by 2026.

“The Government of Grenada and the European Union will convene a project team in Grenada before the end of 2024… to support Grenada in collecting, storing, and processing fresh Sargassum offshore by 2026,” he stated.

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen noted the potential for a circular economy: “Developing Sargassum value chains can help address an environmental problem while creating jobs and growth in the Caribbean.”

The event was part of the EU’s Global Gateway initiative, focusing on investment strategies that foster sustainable economic development across the region.

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