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Tourism, Manufacturing & Agriculture Strengthen Ties

The Taste of Saint Lucia Expo, held at The Harbor Club on Thursday, October 3, served as a platform for tourism and local business leaders to connect and strengthen ties between the tourism, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors.

An Export Saint Lucia and Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA) press conference on Thursday morning underscored a growing desire to ensure that a greater share of tourism revenue benefits the local economy.

Minister of Tourism Ernest Hilaire emphasised the need for introspection within the tourism sector. “…but deep inside we need to examine our own selves and [ask] what are we doing to ensure that more of the tourism dollar is spent in Saint Lucia,” he stated, highlighting the importance of local engagement in the industry.

“Governments over the years have expressed the desire and actually taken action to ensure that more is sourced locally, today really is a continuation of those efforts,” he said, reiterating the overall goal of facilitating business-to-business connections by bringing together hotel decision-makers with local manufacturers through sector-specific gatherings.

Under the new Tourism Development Act, Hilaire revealed that developers will be required to demonstrate local sourcing as a condition for receiving added incentives.

The Minister emphasised the importance of local ownership and participation in the tourism sector. “We want the tourism sector to be a sector that provides greater benefits to Saint Lucians,” he said. “It’s only when more of our locals participate and own it that more of the tourist dollar can stay in Saint Lucia.”

In alignment with these goals, the Ministry of Tourism has established a certification unit to help ensure that local products meet “world-class standards”.

“We require every sector within the tourism industry to be certified—not regulated per se, but certified because we are setting world-class standards now,” Hilaire remarked.

SLHTA’s Kirk Elliot spoke of the organisation’s plans to showcase local artisans and their products in hotels. “Words tell, stories sell,” Elliot stated, suggesting the potential for visitors to connect with Saint Lucian culture through authentic experiences.

As plans move forward, the focus on targeted sectoral engagement aims to foster greater benefits for local manufacturers, further solidifying the relationship between tourism and local producers in Saint Lucia.

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  1. Agro tourism I fully support recently in the UK saw lime leaves, breadfruit leaves and soursop leaves nicely packaged all over £9.00 .
    The moral being we have a number of natural resources which we discard but has value … diversify


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