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Saint Lucia Red Cross Event Promotes Mental Wellness

The Saint Lucia Red Cross marked World Mental Health Day with a lively event promoting mental well-being through fun and games.

Red Cross President Hubert Pierre emphasised the organisation’s commitment to supporting needy individuals: “Each year at this time, we commemorate World Mental Health Day by bringing patients and individuals from various wellness centers together for a day of enjoyment.”

This year’s gathering saw participation from the Wellness Center, St. Lucy’s Home, and Cornerstone, bringing together around 45 individuals, along with caregivers and others.

Pierre noted a significant enhancement to their efforts this year due to the participation of Heineken Saint Lucia, which provided essential funding for the event.

“We had support from various secondary schools, including the Saint Mary’s College and St. Joseph’s Convent, to help distribute flyers and reach as many people as possible,” Pierre explained.

“I believe everyone should be reached because, in some form or another, we all experience anxiety and stress. It’s important to learn how to relax and care for our mental health.”

Activities included outdoor games, lunch, and indoor games like dominoes and cards, creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie.

Pierre highlighted the importance of involving young people in the event, stating, “The key factor for the kids being there is for them to understand that these individuals won’t always be in this situation as they go through life. They should be mindful of taking care of themselves.”

The day was filled with laughter and song, with participants enjoying familiar tunes and sharing in the collective spirit of the event. “When you bring cheer and happiness to others, you feel fulfilled and purposeful,” Pierre remarked.

Reflecting on the success of the day, Pierre expressed hope for future events, saying, “People are already asking when we’ll do this again. It’s clear that there’s a desire for more opportunities to connect and support one another.”

The Red Cross’s initiative not only provided joy to participants but also raised awareness about the importance of mental health in the community.

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