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‘I Couldn’t Be Prouder To Call Myself A Damn Proud Lucian!’

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet declared his pride in calling himself a Saint Lucian as he paid tribute to what locals have achieved this year.

“I couldn’t be prouder to call myself a damn proud Lucian,” he said.

‘Dam Proud Lucian’ is the song that won Sylvinius “Sly” Charles the Groovy Soca Monarch crown in July this year.

In a post on Facebook, Allen Chastanet pointed to the ‘incredible achievements of our fellow Saint Lucians,’ especially in sports.

The former Prime Minister asserted that the achievements had filled citizens with immense pride.

Just recently, euphoric Saint Lucians welcomed home Julien Alfred after she won gold in the 100m and silver in the 200m at the Paris Olympics.

In addition, The Saint Lucia Kings returned home with their maiden Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) trophy on Monday night, following their historic title win in Guyana.

“2024 has shown the the world what our nation can achieve when we remain determined, resilient and unwaveringly support the extraordinary talent that our small island possesses,” Chastanet stated.

“These phenomenal achievements not only shine a bright light on our country but also helps inspire the next generation to continue aspiring for greatness,” the opposition leader wrote on Facebook.

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  1. We embrace all St.Lucians of all ethnic identities irrespective of political affiliation. United we stand and divided we fall. In case of the former PM we have to look at his governing policies in the last administration to determine whether they advanced St Lucian interest.

  2. All of you who claimed that he is not a Lucian,I think he is more Lucian than you all.Stop the hatred and racism which continue to divide us as a people.On one hand some are calling for unity including the PM whilst others are bent on being mischievous in the name of politics.With our passports now being sold to all kinds of foreigners like hot bread you all will have no choice.

  3. On one side we have Donald Trump who uses ignorance and racism to divide people in the US and on the other we have Phillip J Trump who also uses ignorance and racism to divide the country.

  4. If someone asked you, the reader, your nationality, most likely, if you are, your answer would be “Saint Lucian”. Would your answer be: ‘I consider myself to be Saint Lucian”?

  5. Ignorance is never far away waiting to pounce. Unfortunately, it can come from anywhere which can make life a challenge. Several “geniuses” chose not to know that someone born overseas of St. Lucian parentage can in fact be St. Lucian. I have two great friends who are that way. In the social studies department, some of these “geniuses” are absolute dummies. They have little sense of inquiry. A little search years ago, informed me that Chastanet’s grand mother was a black woman who once sold bread near present day Ferrand’s Dairy. How Chastanet can be White with this heritage is beyond me. Only those clowns would know. Sometimes “de patty” can take racists, and turn them into frightening idiots.

  6. Dear reader, it’s me again, the gadfly! Read carefully again the first paragraph, why would anyone be proud in “CALLING HIMSELF A LUCIAN”, it is who you are, if you are a Saint Lucian you are not supposed to feel proud in CALLING YOURSELF A ST LUCIAN, you should just be proud in being St Lucian. I hope you the reader can make out the distinction there!

  7. Chastanet is experiencing a feeling of nostalgia. Never miss the water until your well runs dry. The state will no longer give freebies. Get a real job and come proclaim your adoration for St. Lucia.

  8. Chas sure know how to manipulate those gullible minds…giving them an agenda to yap about…and to the fool dat talk about Canada,apart from winter this is one of the best if not the best country in the world any human can inhabit…I have three kids,the first was born here in st.lucia and left at the age of two and the other two were born in Canada.. both their mom and their dad are born and raised st.lucian hence they automatically earned st.lucian citizenship with an affordable processing fee,now presently they have dual citizenship.i have know idea why some ppl are bent on ignorance and not trying to broaden their cerebelum to its capacity all because they up in their political feelings…they didn’t lie when they said down here have more donkeys than Montserrat.

  9. For God so loved 💌 the world ❗
    He loves us and saves us even while we are fighting with him..
    I am in only favor to seek God ; before an end to the sound of joy and gladness and to the voices of of bride and bridegroom in Seleucia 🇱🇨shows us no favor ”

  10. If I had half of Chas’s money, I wouldn’t bother about politics in St. Lucia, there is too much in life to live for and live by. my family name is one, when you hear it you know undoubtedly he is a Lucian. My kids also carry the same loving name. They’ve only visited the ROCK a few times, love it but also stretched out their horizons in parts of Europe; Cities in Italy, viewing the Historical Landmarks, in Franc, Spain the U.K. parts of the U.S. and all over Canada. With a name as ours would you deny him being a St. Lucian? hopefully we all worship the same God, in Jesus’ name & we love HIM.

  11. Wow there speaketh the product of Canada.
    The same man who told us Colonialism was compassionate .
    Some how I don’t believe that Chas is as proud a Lucian as he makes out .


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