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“We Want Answers!” UWP Stages Protest Outside Parliament

Opposition United Workers Party (UWP) officials and supporters gathered outside the House of Parliament in Castries on Tuesday to protest against what they described as the “deceitful behaviour” of the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) government.

The UWP rallied, calling for transparency and answers to the many pressing questions surrounding government actions and policies.

Chants of “We want answers!”, “Where’s our money?”, and “SLP must go!” echoed through the streets as protesters expressed frustration with the government’s handling of critical issues, including health care, government finances, and public infrastructure.

UWP Leader Allen Chastanet addressed reporters outside Parliament before entering the session. When asked why he urged his supporters to protest, Chastanet clarified, “I didn’t. I said the people of Saint Lucia individually must make a decision with what’s going on with healthcare in this country.”

Chastanet criticised the lack of operational health care centers across Castries North, East, Central, and South, forcing citizens to rely solely on the OKEU Hospital, which he claimed is overwhelmed and dysfunctional. “This is not the sign of a caring government. That’s why this government has their priorities wrong,” Chastanet added.

According to him, under his administration, the UWP would have deployed a mobile hospital—a resource negotiated with the U.S. government before he left office. The mobile hospital, according to Chastanet, has been sitting in storage since the 2021 elections and could have been utilised to relieve pressure on the OKEU Hospital.

UWP spokesperson Lenard “Spider” Montoute also took aim at the government’s lack of transparency regarding the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP). “We have no information about how many passports have been sold, how much money has been made, or where the funds have gone,” Montoute stated. 

“The Prime Minister is no longer fit to stay in office, and we demand a fresh general election,” Montoute declared, reflecting the mood of the demonstrators who continued to push for greater transparency and governmental accountability.

As protests continue, the UWP insists that the government must answer to the people of Saint Lucia and rectify what they see as deceitful and ineffective governance.


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  1. I am neither SLP nor UWP -but in St. Lucia “the pot is always calling the kettle black” —-whatever. I am so grateful that I left a very long time ago. I left because of politics – I was denied a job because of my grandmother’s political affiliation even though I was not old enough to vote. I literally heard the supervisor say after the interview – “she passed the test – but we cannot give her the job because her grandmother is a ???” and she mentioned the party. affiliation I see nothing has changed since then and that is disturbing on every level.
    Could you imagine being denied a job because of your grandmother’s political affiliation????

  2. Questions must be asked by an Opposition in St. Lucia with regard to the blatant incompetence of the SLP administration.
    There is not one area of governance in our little island that is not only dysfunctional but is also besmirched by the stench of corruption emanating from these so called political leaders.
    Health, security, CIP, contracts, inflation, cost of living are all impacted negatively by a government that knows how to agitate for power but once there have not a clue how to govern.
    The Labour Party came into power with no blueprint , no idea on policy directions, no sense of duty but with only a view to enjoy the perks of power.
    Every question on corruption is answered with “I don’t know” or “Ask someone else”
    Only now Lucians are realizing that if every area of our society is dysfunctional it means that we pay the price. The main price is that we get paid on Friday, we broke on Saturday. All the SLP have to offer is bachannal and fete but after the fete and celebration finished we broke as hell because we spend money on partytime that we should be spending on expensive food and gas.
    Corruption, incompetence, ineptitude and living like kings by our leaders has a price to be paid and WE THE PEOPLE have to pay that price.

  3. The current administration is doing a terrific job for the past 3years and they will win all the 17 seats .. So many jobs are available in the hotel and private sector , plus the government enact a wage rate for the working poor. My people let us remain focus forward ever backward never…

  4. This current SLP government is the best administration St. Lucia has ever seen, bar none. There is still a lot of work to be done given the hopelessness of the previous UWP government. All Chastanet and his henchmen are doing is to project their corrupt, incompetence, and insatiable appetite for power on the SLP government. Let them wallow in their delusion. All people of conscience and goodwill must unite to defend St. Lucia from Chastanet’s nihilistic rage.

  5. What a shame to see in my lifetime what a once great party has become 😢. You mean that’s all the “protesters” Chas and Guy party can pull awah wi. To make matters worse they can’t even attract good “winnable” candidates I mean even if I wanted to vote for uwp next elections, I have to be really desperate for me to vote for Tootoo or Wayne the criminal lawyer, Rush or Hush. WTF is that ? Sar par flambo

  6. There is no difference between the two main political parties in Saint Lucia, however, as long as Guy and Chastanet are there the UWP cannot win another election.


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