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‘Yardie’ Shakes Up New York Wrestling Arena 

Well-known Saint Lucian media personality and music producer Andrew “Yardie” Haynes took the New York Wrestling Arena by storm on Saturday.

Yardie made his first appearance with Wrestling is Now (WIN) in Brooklyn, where he entered the ring waving a flag, stepping in to “rescue” the referee from a beatdown at the hands of the wrestlers.

The crowd, including a vocal Saint Lucian contingent, erupted as the “national word” echoed through the arena, laughing and entertained by Yardie as he struck the wrestlers with the flag.

In an exclusive St. Lucia Times interview, Yardie recounted how quickly the opportunity came about: “A friend asked if I’d be interested in appearing for some wrestling, and I thought, why not? In about ten minutes, everything was set—flights, accommodations, the works.”

For Yardie, a veteran of the entertainment world, nerves weren’t an issue. “My early career had nerves, but years in TV and the entertainment field have me past that point,” he said, adding that he was able to execute his role confidently.

On the day of the show, his role was clear: he would be the referee’s backup. “When I saw the ref, Anson, taking hit after hit, I stepped in,” Yardie explained, calling it his moment to “defend his own.”

He said that, as a proud Saint Lucia, this was a way to represent his roots on an international stage. The event was promoted heavily across New York’s Eastern Parkway, drawing a sizable Caribbean crowd, including Saint Lucians.

Since the performance, fan videos have gained tens of thousands of views on social media, though the official video is yet to be released, Yardie says.

Reflecting on the impact of his appearance, Yardie noted that Saint Lucia was a true beneficiary of this platform.

In a generous twist, event organisers, recognising the need for mold remediation expertise in Saint Lucia, donated 17 scholarships in this field, which Yardie says he has since presented to Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre.

The scholarships, aimed at addressing common building issues in the Caribbean, were awarded in a special ceremony at the Empire State Building, where Yardie and organisers celebrated the bridge between sports entertainment and real-world impact.

Yardie says he is now motivated to continue in the wrestling world, and he plans to buy shares in WIN.

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  1. At least now I know it was all an act and nothing serious. Next time don’t speak of your plans prematurely, in fact dont speak of it at all. You aren’t somebody many are fond of.

  2. A publicity stunt to Garner views and popularity for yourself. Scholarships my as*.

    You are a despicable disgusting character Yardie. You not fooling anybody.

  3. Yardie bring those wrestlers to SLU. It would be a great event and have a Helen of the West Wrestling Title tournament. It would be a great cross promotion for our Island and WIN wrestling promotion.
    Bring wrestling to St Lucia!

  4. SMH at all the people who thought this was a serious altercation. It’s wrestling. Are you stuck in 80s thinking it’s still real 😂🤡


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