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Stolen Items Recovered After Special Constable Injures Suspect In Gunfire Exchange


On Saturday the 22nd day of October 2022, about 8:45p.m. three masked individuals, one wielding a firearm proceeded to enter the Laborie Service Station on Kennedy Highway Laborie and accosted the two individuals (females) therein.

The thieves took money and other items from inside and were making their exit as a special police constable in the area confronted them.

One of the thieves discharged several rounds in the direction of the officer who returned fire, hitting one suspect.

Officers recovered the stolen items from the injured suspect and made arrangements for medical care. The other two suspects made away.

The officer and persons in the gas station were not physically injured.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Headline photo: Screen grab from social media video.

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  1. Rslpf need to capitalise on positive news like this….use this to push start a fight to reclaim peace in st Lucia ….let would be criminals be scared to even come out of their mothers houses. We coming for you all…lazy thieves and murderers!

  2. Bravo. Its time that Lucian claim their territory. Don’t be an Andre, the coward who is telling people to run and hide while people are robbing them.

  3. Well done but NO applause!!! Officer, you need to sort your shooting out, period!!! Clearly the lack of training or an untrained individual!!!

    These individuals should be carried away by Cricks, Rambally or Lazarus funeral parlour!!! 🙄

    Why are they given the opportunities to commit such crimes again?

  4. If he did what you’re saying another story would have come out like they planted the gun the fellas were not armed,, police execute them. Lucians

  5. I assume you are asking yourself this question. You are showing the exact symptoms of retardation!

  6. I rather suspect the officer armo finished on him . armo expensive and he probably had one mag. because I cannot believe he only injured that ……… I don’t want to say well done uh. but at least they should be able to catch the other two and make an example of them.

  7. Good job office. I applaud you for not aiming to kill even though we believe it would have been the best option. Your own people in the police force would have your head on a silver platter had you killed him
    Don’t forget what happen to the officers involved in ORC ( operation restore confidence). That is why the criminalshace the upper hand in st Lucia now. Do yr job my brother hurt them, cripple them but don’t shoot to kill even I f you are dealing we ith criminals because in the end if u kill them you will be hang by your very own. Continue to be wise officers especially if those in The higher rank don’t like you or looking for promotion. Thank you officer for a job well done. Peace and love

  8. This updated doctored account of the incident seems to be sitting well with the usual clowns .. hence their comments .smh Chupid Lucians

  9. Don’t post it on social media? Nooks you coming here to defend what, you just as dumb as most these comments at the bottom here.

  10. I understand your frustration but this is not the way. Cruel acts combated by more cruel acts only begets more cruel acts ( it would be an act of cruelty if the officer in question could have detained the perp. without killing him but decided to anyway ) . We must work hard to end the cycle. What the officer did was the right thing to do. Why? Well now that he was apprehended we have a suspect who can identify the other 2 individuals who escaped. It would then be up to the judicial system to play their part and give better sentencing and once the criminals enter prison the job does not end there. We need proper rehabilitation methods for those who will return to the public at some point. In the end we are all humans and we must protect each other. One Love

  11. @RUCKUS, thanks for your contribution of which I accept and overstand.
    The thing about it is, the judicial system is a joke here in Saint Lucia. You and I both know that. Take for example all the firearms and ammunitions found on individuals, what has become of it? They were given such small bail amounts which means they are set free to do it again. That is the message which the Judicial system is setting. Nothing much will happen if you get caught with a firearm and ammunition.
    He won’t snitch on his friends, he is looking forward to enjoying Christmas at Boderlais Corruptional Facility.
    Give thanks!

  12. @EA, thank you for seeing level with me!!

    Too many times these F**king idiots get away to act again. It is not about taking someone’s life but the fact still exists that the Officer was fired upon of which is enough justification to protect his life and the life of others. That also extends to a legally armed civilian.

  13. 24+ hrs later- I am still waiting to see the pic of the bastard who was caught. Why? Because I want to know who he is asap, perhaps other civilians can help identify his associates who got away, I never understand how the system works- and why identities of suspects are withheld- we all know and accept that they are “innocent” until proven guilty- show the faces of the “innocent” !


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