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Gunplay In Vieux Fort – Passersby Run For Cover

Passersby ran for cover on Thursday morning as gunplay erupted in Vieux Fort, a short distance from the Vieux Fort bus stand.

Multiple eyewitnesses reported that at about 8:30 am, there was an exchange of gunfire between two men, one of whom appeared to have sustained a foot injury and hobbled away from the scene.

The other shooter is said to have ridden away on a bicycle.

Spent shell case on ground

According to the eyewitnesses, police were quickly on the scene.

The latest shooting incident has renewed concern about the safety of residents.

The President of the Southern Minibus Association, Marcellinus Faisal, said he was not present when the shooting occurred.

But he disclosed that based on the information he received, Thursday morning’s gunplay occurred as students were on their way to school.

“You don’t feel safe because any stray bullet can take you,” Faisal told St Lucia Times.

He declared that the authorities have to get guns out of the hands of criminals.

In addition, Faisal spoke of the need for a more significant police presence on the streets.

“You hardly find the police patrolling the streets, especially in the area where the bus stand is where you have a lot of commuters coming to take the bus,” he asserted.

Faisal also called for a greater police presence in Vieux Fort crime hotspots.

Headline photo: Armed police officers at scene of shooting


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  1. Kenny is reaping what he sowed. A once quiet town turned graveyard, a weakened police force and an emboldened criminal enterprise.

  2. why are people joking about such crime? to you its like fun, but people could be hurt or killed. Why is Faisal alone talking? I thought we had a M.P. from Barboneau in charge of such criminal activity, what is St. Lucia coming to? what are the Churches doing.

  3. The only job that you can get in vieux fort is security working over 16 hours per night earn 3 dollars an hour… But the youtes do not find that it is an attractive job so they prefer to steal and commit crime the system has fail the people

  4. Wow we really need to put hanging or electric chair in effect for criminals in st lucia..treat dem man like animals..officers wen url get dem fellas doing robberies give dem head shot or try to shoot the upper body thank url very much

  5. For that to be done St. Lucia has to make legal extra judicial killings, however, St. Lucia has to be willing to take the wrath of the USA also. Which police or armed citizen is willing to take that risk?

  6. Its From Drive by to Walk by Shootings snd Homicides. The Churches have no part to play in that increase of Criminal Activity Island wide .Its time the police set up aCurfew in Vieux Fort and Search all Houses and Motor Vehicles in the Ghetto areas get all the Guns out of there. All police officers phones Must be kept in the Exibit Room When Conducting any Mission .The Corrupt ones will be Caught .

  7. I am of the full opinion that the magistrates in St. Lucia are responsible for these shootings. Just look at the bail for possession of firearms. A slap on the wrist. How many gun cases have been heard over the past month? Not one.

  8. Why don’t you shut your trap. Guns only come in one or two barrels. I know you don’t and cannot get barrels, so stop making people who get barrels look like criminals. The officers know every barrel that have guns but they get their cut.

  9. What interests does the minister have
    In upholding places like the GRAVEYARD
    Whether in the north or south?


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