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Garde Has A Plan For ‘Correctional Restoration’

Verne Garde, the new man at the helm of the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF), says he has a ‘correctional restoration’ plan as he works in the interest of Saint Lucia’s national security.

Garde, a former Saint Lucia Director of Corrections, returned to the job officially on Friday.

“I am aware that the institution had some recent challenges, and I have constructed a 27-point plan for correctional restoration, and we intend to apply that plan along with all our staff,” he told HTS Evening News in an exclusive interview on Friday.

“I think one of the major parts of the plan is to help our young staff come up into management and supervision in a structured succession plan,” Garde disclosed.

In addition, he acknowledged the importance of officer morale.

“We need persons to develop capacity generally at the institution, and by developing capacity, that in itself will improve the morale,” the new BCF boss stated.

“We do intend to allow officers to express themselves within their proper training and qualifications,” he noted.

At the same time, Garde observed that the BCF has a civilian staff.

“We need yo bring our heads together to keep national security afloat,” he explained.

The veteran former police officer who previously served as Prison Chief in the British Virgin Islands admitted that his new job here would not be easy.

“It’s a difficult one,” he asserted.

But he told HTS Evening News that his international exposure had better equipped him with the skills to manage the BCF.

The new Director of Corrections expected that if inmates get humane treatment, they will deal with the BCF and fellow inmates similarly.

“So it is my goal to have a line of communication for the various residents to vent,” he explained.

Garde said the BCF could thus always stay on top of some issues with the various inmates.


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  1. Well, this man is the same one who left three years ago: he has no interest in the rehabilitation of inmates. His statement clearly shows that he has a plan for staff but not for inmates. He may be great as the director of a prison but not a correctional facility …

  2. Unless he got special treatment (for what I can’t begin to imagine), this is grade 19, so he isn’t being paid that much …

  3. Choops,what plan da man have? Nonsense alone these guys does come & full ppl head with…Garçon just take your pay & go at your home with your Papisho.

  4. All this SLP Hack knows when it comes to the correctional facility, is how to use his Rod of Correction. A failure if you ask me – left a ton of baggage behind at the end of his first contact. Rather than being punished for his incompetence and questionable dealings, SLP rewards him. Only in sweet Saint Lucia.

  5. Did he come back to continue the rehabilitation of the female officers? Ask the officer who is the nurse. The last time he made a mess. Let’s see what he will do this time.

  6. Well the other male officers want their share of rehabilitation of female officers to, at the request of Garde.

  7. The rehabilitation of female officers could be a result of them wanting higher positions, thats why they gave it up.


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