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Dame Pearlette Primary To Reopen Monday


The Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training wishes to inform parents and guardians of students attending the Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School that all grades except kindergarten and grade-ones will resume in-class instruction from Monday 14th November, 2022.

Classes for the kindergarten and grade-one levels will be conducted utilising the remote-learning modality, as cleaning-up and repair work continue on the ground-floor of the school compound, following heavy rains and flooding in the north of the island a week ago.

The Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School, following critical assessment in the aftermath of the unexpected floods, was estimated to have received extensive damage to the ground floor, where flood waters rose to a height of three feet., submerging all furniture, books and other instructional materials and office equipment with a thick layer of silt.

The Ministry wishes to thank everyone who assisted in any way with the clean-up activities at the school following the flood, and with various restorative measures necessary for returning a sense of normalcy to the school.

SOURCE: Ministry of Education     

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  1. Thanks and praise to the Most High. Time to initiative flooding mitigation projects to avoid another disaster. In the future schools should not be built in flood zones.

  2. The experience of our student nurses at SALCC is certainly worst that the recently encountered flood. We as students are affected daily by voluntary induced stress from the administration of the department of nursing. We are being forced to purchase new uniforms within on month. Why? Because the administration of the department of nursing woke up and decided that there will be a change of uniform. The majority of us recently purchased hundreds of dollars worth of school uniform only to be told via an email that in one month we all need to purchase a newly designed uniform. Why is it that the senior administration of SALCC can not assist and deliver us as student nurses for the unhealthy hands of the administration of the department of nursing.


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