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WATCH: Community Leader Concerned Over Road Erosion In Gros Islet


Community leader, Jim Joseph, has warned of a tragedy waiting to happen in Gros Islet near the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium.

Joseph is the President of the Beausejour Community Group of Gros Islet.

His concern relates to the erosion of a road in the area.

And he took to social media to air his concern, complete with video footage of the erosion and the potential for tragedy.

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  1. Where’s the new young politician with fresh ideas? What’s his name Kenson whatever…this matter should have resolved months ago. And soon the sports stadium will be hosting football. Also it’s weeks on the cap estate stretch before pigeon island gap….the road is sinking traffic cones have been place around the area….its weeks. This road leads to many hotels to the north of the island. What a shame.

  2. @Kenny….Politician with fresh ideas(lol)…more like stale fish freshly wrapped. Don’t feel bad Kenny, he had us all fooled.

  3. Jim, gassa nobody eh die yet. I like your enthusiasm but nobody eh die yet. I have an extremely dangerous situation in my area as well. It is from Tomas. Sometimes when cement trucks and other heavy vehicles are crossing, I turn my head because I don’t want the memory. Until victims and their families start suing those clowns for wilful negligence, then they are going to buckle up…only then.

    This is serious as shyte. Good luck, Jim in your race against the clock.

  4. Jim STFU. The 1st thing you should do as a President is contact the DIPT. Di you so yu can find out the latest with this piece of road. NO. You are acting like a little child looking for attention. Choops Tan.

  5. Seriously, these are tragedies in the waiting. Across the island. Every day on the road I curse the ‘Blue’ whale. This man continues to prove his incompetence. Look at the recent patchwork on the lower Choc hill, only after the blistering on social media. But nothing done about the craters a few yards away higher up the hill. Always reactive. No proactiveness.

  6. You must not heard where he said he also contacted the previous Admin, but you mentioned the blue whale. We know who you’re talking about. You must be a hack instead of a concerned citizen.

  7. Did all these things just happen? The situation has been this way from the previous Admin as Jim said, but are the folks who are complaining now, did they complain then?

  8. Is it a surprise you brought this up? Inspite of all the roads Spider and the UWP built in Gros Islet I guess the UWP will still take blame for not given the time to complete a job they started.

  9. It is inevitable the roads will be fixed. Nevertheless, every community in St.Lucia need to be concern about the current adverse situation that student nurses are experiencing at SALCC. The administration in the department of nursing has no empathy and is certainly not student oriented. We are being emotionally and financially raped in that department while community leaders continue to focus on issues like a pot hole. We as women are being taken advantage of in that department. The administration of the department of nursing is unquestionable the most senior employee at SALCC. Please assist us so we can assist our country in the near future. Please.

  10. Great job bringing the awareness to the press bc it’s the only way you can save people! Check out the sink hole cones now on the sink hole cap estate after Europa before Lucelec I’ve mentioned this for months! Yh kids like the nurses below… lol It’s goin to be more costly just now bc u will need to build a next bridge to get over it! … for sandals Cabot landings cap maison royalton ect ect .Also extending condolences to all the flood victims you’re in many St. Lucians prayers.

  11. So what if it was from the previous administration? Does that mean it doesn’t need to resolve. SLP is in control so it is their job. If it was UWP then we would be voicing our concerns to them. I swear political affiliation will be (is) the downfall of this country.

  12. Those who are aware of the condition can save themselves but just imagine a stranger on this road going west and meeting another vehicle at that precipitous point.

  13. @are you serious, are you serious? You mean you so not serious about anything that you don’t get that it is not about when it got like that or about administrations or about when to complain. Idiot, be serious and understand its about a road that has become dangerous. By the way, are you serious in believing that a road which was bad a year and a half ago would not be worse today? Are you serious?

  14. When a tourist gets affected they will fix it. Just like they built all kinda barriers near the Rodney Bay Marina entrance after the tourist died in the accident.


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