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Teenage Suspect In Castries Student Robberies Held With Fake Gun


On Thursday, officers from the Marchand Police Station arrested a teenager with a fake gun, which investigators suspected he used in committing several student robberies.

A police release identified the accused as 18-year-old Tyler Cools of Trois Piton, Castries.

Officers arrested him at about 3:00 pm during one of their targetted patrols in school zones in response to increased reports of students in the Marchand area becoming robbery victims.

According to the police, Cools appeared before the First District Court for bail and was remanded in custody until Thursday, December 29, 2022.

The police release said officers are meeting the impacted teachers, students, and parents for further investigations.

“The Marchand Police Station will continue its endeavours to create a safe environment for the students within the area,” the release stated.

It added that the officers would spare no effort to ensure that those responsible for committing offences are brought before the court expeditiously.


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  1. Good job. But the Police must be more proactive. I knw their man power is always short. Do more searches every month. Not just this month and then a long time again . the young criminals are ahead of the game. No city cameras working, No rounabout cameras working, Its time the cops get the license plate computerize system so that they can scan a plate at any time and see all the vehicle information.

  2. Common, Dec. 29th. we’ll never hear of this case; bring him out near the School and whip his axx next week at – done case. St. Lucia has gone to the Dogs Lord; help us, Amen.

  3. Totally agree we are too generous with this thugs in st Lucia make examples of them in this way the other ones would have to think twice before committing a crime honestly the way I see it even the poor dogs on the streets deserves better treatment than these criminals….yes I said it

  4. I wish we could just send them off to Saudi A that would make it a whole lot easier, just imagine the justice would be swift and simple no lawyers needed the terms and conditions already agreed upon

  5. The digital system was in place since 2009… Nature took its tole on the system because the law enforcement department was equipped with hand held devices, and security cameras funded by LIME at the time. The demise of this island is once government change we go backward forward. The cycle repeat itself and we going into 2023


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