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Police Charge Monchy Woman With Fraud


On November 20th , 2022 Officers attached to the Major Crime Unit arrested and charged Malisla Charles of Riviere Mitan, Monchy for the offence of Uttering False Documents and two counts of Stealing by Means of Employment.

On November 21st ,2022 she was escorted to the First District court and granted bail in the sum of $5000.00 on the charge of Uttering False Documents and $12,000 on the charge of Stealing by Means of Employment.

Reporting conditions and travel restrictions were part of her bail conditions.

The matter was adjourned to February 1, 2023

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF).

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  1. so y’all Lucian’s not supporting killings but y’all supporting thif i understand so y’all is part of the parcel to cause politicians are the ones stilling the country’s money an don’t give to the poor an needy especially the young so that’s why crime high we have nothing so y’all supporting crime y’all like thif


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