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UWP Criticises Pierre Over ‘Uninspiring’ Address To The Nation On Crime

The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has criticised Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre over his address to the nation on Sunday regarding crime.

Pierre’s address came amid a sharp spike in violent crime resulting in 66 homicides this year.

The homicides included four fatal shootings last week.

“Once again, Philip J Pierre disappoints with another uninspiring address to the nation. It is yet another failed attempt to reassure the public that his Government has come up with a holistic plan to deal with escalating crime levels,” a UWP release stated.

And the opposition party observed that as soon as Pierre’s address to the nation ended, his office announced that he would be travelling to Taiwan the following day.

“Whenever crime surges, Pierre flees to safety by travelling,” the UWP press release asserted.

According to the UWP, the PM’s address to the nation contained no hope or short- or medium-term solutions to crime.

“Incompetence on full display,” the UWP declared.

In addition, the party posted a video with a soundtrack of rapid gunfire on its official Facebook page, asserting that on Sunday evening, gunshots rang out in Vieux Fort after Pierre gave his ‘uninspiring address.’

The UWP said the National Security Minister failed to announce any initiatives to deal with the daily reports of gun violence.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. It was indeed uninspiring and destroyed any confidence I had in SLP and PJP to be the ones to get us out of this mess. With that said at this time I don’t believe that Chas is a strong enough leader to lift us out of this either. We need someone who is hardline and will have zero tolerance for criminal activity and corruption in the ranks and files of public service. Discipline, order and obligation to the law is what is needed in St. Lucia to bring us about into prosperity, because without safety there is little of it to go around. We need someone who isn’t afraid to offend and who will certainly not be willing to give into the cultural and socially deteriorating ideologies of the Western powers. We need Draconian laws and punishments like the sort found in relatively peaceful countries in Asia. If not we’re courting further chaos and we can kiss our toursim industry and foreign investment goodbye.

  2. @Alex while I agree with most of your comments especially the negative impact on tourism. I must say that the crime situation in St. Lucia is beyond SLP and UWP–too many of you guys are familiar with each other. Honestly, at this point only outside intervention with help with this seriously out of control situation. This crime situation in a 238 square mile island where everyone knows each other is an exercise in futility.

  3. …could not agree with you more Jay…….and what the hell are these blasted Yellow Johncrows found to be “Uninspiring”?? “Uninspiring” only to their Lapo Asses ONLY. The PM was addressing the nation and gunshots have been fired so what should he have done?? Tell the nation excuse me folks and go put on his cape and fly to V-Fort to seek out the gunfire?? I mean the nincompoop asinine psyche of these Clown makes one wonder what’s their acclaim to fame, given the fact their Head Yellow Clown can’t even address the nation on this matter……no even in the corridors of parliament or from his yellow mouth by the side entrance. The PM stated he was flying off to Tiwan on government business they are upset [FOR] because crime is rampant? This never stop Allen Chastanet form jetting off with his yellow tin cup and knee pads to said Tiwan to borrow what we can’t afford to pay back, and crime was just as it is now, he went to stand in the hallway leading to the kitchen at Mar-a-Largo panhandling with his yellow tin cup and crime again was just as rampant so WHAT THE HELL IS THEIR BLASTED POINT. Gunshots or not it feels good to be home, I just read in The Times 40,000 people in the US died from gun violence this year already, that’s one person for every 4 minutes and the year not done yet and we bitching.

  4. Indeed the PM was uninspiring. I totally agree. He sounded too much like “The Most Honorable Lucian Highgrade”. Of course Chastanet is no more inspiring. So two red John Crows and a yellow john crow. Two red clowns and a yellow clown.

  5. Indeed the address was uninspiring and strengthened my regret of voting for this government. Like someone said we need hardliners, crime tacklers and persons with proven track record. I remember the days of long ago when we had police who weren’t afraid to go into the ghettos and get warring fractions to come together and stop the nonsense. We had police officers who worked and had solutions…they didn’t have half the equipment and support that officers have now but they got the job done! Where are these ex-cops to give direction and advice on crime fighting. We need to get rid of square pegs in round holes and place people who can work. Long I’ve been saying – National Security Task Force……stop investing in positions for boys and gals that serve no national interest and invest in security for your citizenry.

  6. The old adage says that if you can’t refute the message then attack the messenger still holds. The brainless, opportunistic charlatan, Allen Chastanet and his lackeys have the audacity to call a speech on homicide “uninspiring.” You give an inspiring address on the state of the economy, education, sports, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. But on crime, what constitutes an inspiring speech?

    The current homicide rate in St. Lucia is 36.66 people per 100,000 which is equivalent to a war zone. But the UWP rhetoric isn’t adding anything positive to the social discourse except platitudes and empty statements. Crime has no political affiliation. It is by nature oppressively solemn, grave, gloomy, and dark and nothing inspiring can come out of it. On this trajectory, I can assure you that this UWP will be in opposition for a very long time. How did the opportunistic charlatan, Allen Chastanet, address the homicide problems in 2019? We had about 73 murders that year or 40.56 people per 100,000.

  7. Read my lips. No one or group can stop humans from killing each other, whether by gun or hatchet. What they can do is to apprehend the perpetrators. They can only and for the second time (read my lips) deter the occurrences of crime through harsh punishments. Both apprehensions and harsh punishments are almost nonexistent and this is problem. Extremely tough measures must be implemented to deter crime. The death penalty is the ultimate punishment.

  8. After this national address I am convinced Pierre is not capable of securing SLU. It was a speech of no substance. He confirmed he has no clue and does not know where to start to resolve the gun violence in slu. I was hoping Pierre would give a little hope to the people and then we can catch on to it like a drowning man would do to a straw. At this point, the St. Lucians will take any piece of advice and of course Pierre did not offer anything. It would have been much better if Pierre never raised the hopes of the public. Everyone was looking forward to something and they got nothing. The mess continues and Pierre took off for Taiwan immediately after his speech – what an insult to the people. A pre-recorded address – this says a lot about you Pierre.


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