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Victim Of Fatal Shooting In Soufriere Identified

The victim of Saturday afternoon’s fatal shooting in Soufriere has been identified as Donnie McKinnon, originally from the United Kingdom but had settled in Saint Lucia several years ago and was a citizen of this country.

The deceased is said to have been a resident of Reunion, Choiseul.

According to reports, he and another expatriate living in Saint Lucia for some time and who also became a Saint Lucian citizen were at a bar at Market Road, Soufriere, when they were shot.

McKinnon later succumbed while his companion was injured, and emergency responders transported him to St. Jude Hospital.

The shooting has sent shockwaves through the community of Soufriere, where residents said both men were well-known.

“Everyone knew them. They were community people. This is sad,” one resident told St Lucia Times.

Saint Lucia has recorded 67 homicides this year.

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  1. SLP used the race càrd in their campaign against Chastnet and got many foolish citizens to hate him on the basis that he is white. Probably these 2 shootings were racially motivated because both victims were white St.Lucians. Some persons who comment on SLT continuously write racial insults .Think about the bad impact on our tourism markets if this is reported in the foreign press.

  2. Let us hope that the family of the victims and the UK and US do not warn their citizens that white tourists may encounter racist attacts against them in St.Lucia

  3. I agree. Name-calling like “Massah” all the time in the comments section when referring to the past prime Minister. The mindset of these commenters makes it obvious that they are still enslaved. This is sad that every day there is a shooting incident on the island. The persons involved directly or calling out hits on citizens, you should check yourselves. When the tourists no longer come, even those who buy drugs from the kingpins, you all will feel the heat and know what day it is. You are all small-minded short-term-thinking fools, destroying the country in the long run, not even your drug, prostitution, or whatever unlawful business yall have will thrive.

  4. Hello!! Why, we are creating a scapegoat in regards to this latest homicide across the country of St. Lucia, and this entire world at large? Mass shootings of coloured have started with the racist Americans. Just as we speak. There’s an article on this same media platform showing you an 18yrs old Anglo American saying what while the headline goes on stream? Black people are being mentioned. It’s sad that, has impacted on the tourist industry. But, we were the ones who invented mass shootings. Thailand, Indonesia, are quite popular for tourists who coming from Australia. Yet they’ve had Australians losing their lives there to bombing of hotels and individual shootings. The Australians have never stopped going there on holidays. Just recently, you can google about it yourself. The Queensland Police Force of Australia, were found to be making racist slurs, racist comments towards coloured people living in Australia. They’ve asked the commissioner of police to step down. So much racial problems in England and against Caribbean people. What will affect their tourists from entering our shores? In England, the same attrocities are happening to us as Caribbean people. Stop politicizing crime against humanity. It’s the samething everywhere around the globe. How can we change the mindset? Who should take the first step?

  5. Joseph…Sorry to say, they already have warned travellers and people are taking their advice..This is really sad.
    St Lucia is one of the countries most talked about here in the UK as one of the best Islands to visit in the world. What has gone wrong with this Beautiful and Blessed Island?…So Sad..

  6. Direct all questions and concerns at the national security monster and prime minister. The most readied 5 star general.

  7. Direct all questions and concerns at the national security monster and prime minister. The most readied 5 star general and the crime/drug Baron minister

  8. Aaa, awa that’s not never true. Direct all questions and concerns at the national security monster and prime minister. The most readied 5 star general and the crime/drug Baron minister

  9. The cruise lines and tourists especially the white ones whom are in the majority should should abort going to St. Lucia. Self protection is better than any other form of protection and the country has no form of national security to encourage visitors including citizens of St. Lucia. What’s the minister for national security and tourism recommending? Those who are already in the country paint their bodies black and effective immediately only black tourists are allowed entry. The white investors aren’t blind or blind folded. So bring in the black investors and see how far you will go.

  10. You can’t even enjoy a drink at a bar with family and friends unless these terrorist attract and rob the place.

    The police need to find a better way of executing these criminals, THATS THE ONLY SOLUTION!! You know who they are you need to find a better way of executing them in Silence.

    Beware there will be some people that will try to act bright and make a case about human rights. They need to be dealt with too!! They need to be put on house arrest and or silenced !!

    Execution is the only solution !! There is no other way to be happy in Saint Lucia until we start executing these terrorist young as they are or old as they are, because the are executing citizens and creating fear amongst us.

    #execution… send them into the after life.

  11. The total, this ‘score’, that is reported each time someone is killed seems like a highlighted achievement.
    I think we can leave the rolling count out of the regular reports and leave the statistics for the cops’ periodic reports to the public or investigative pieces by the media.

  12. this is excellent for our small banana republic. Crime is everyone business the Government and Police cannot be everywhere on the spot when crime is taking place you might be lucky to nearby when it occurs. We need a decisive crime fighting strategy which both administration is terribly lacking. Also we need to have a special department base with foreigners who have no connection but have bound duties to carry out secret investigations from top to bottom that means politically, legally, law enforcement and civilians. Then it will make our little black boy go to school and learn. Time to stamp this shit out you cannot sell tourism when 180k population have such a high gun related crime. I’ll say legalized the marijuana and focus on the transit drugs which is passing through our ports. That being said do you know how many brits, Americans and Canadians here doing shake hand drugs passage? Its all about connections.

  13. The racist and xenophobic election campaigning from 2016 to 2021 by the Labour Party with the tacit endorsement of the brown skinned upper class in St Lucia, has now born the bitter fruit we feared.
    Where are all the ‘concerned citizens’ who day after day gleefully accepted the attacks on the UWP based on the colour of the skin and socio economic class of one of its members.
    These hypocrites are now mute, silent hiding their heads in shame.

    I just realized that I knew one of the victims of this attack in Soufriere. Peter is a most peaceful individual contributing successfully to St Lucia as a citizen he has been for years. My interactions with him have been nothing but friendly and one I would be honoured to sit down with and have a Piton beer. I wish him a speedy recovery and deep condolences to the family of his friend going through this horror.
    At the same time as this tragedy we hear of multiple woundings in Babonneau.
    I refuse to be one who laments these sick actions. The time for faux rage or pleadings to the Almighty are long gone. HE has shown us the way, we just refuse to follow.
    Where are the male leaders of this country who have lost their way. Are there no woman of moral standing to lend a voice.

    I have repeatedly said that this was coming because in 2021 we elected morally suspect incompetents with none of the skillsets or sense of purpose to lead this nation.
    Their only purpose was to get into power and enjoy the perks of office on the backs of taxpayers. They are now SHOCKED that they are actually expected to work for the serfs in St Lucia. Instead they are busy selling off our patrimony to cover their mismanagement and sins.
    We also know there are at least 2 other factions in the SLP who are pleased to see Pierre being exposed for the lackluster narrow minded parochial charlatan that he is proving to be in government. They want him OUT to take over. Watch this space.

    My other fear is being realized. This brutal killing is all over the international media in our main markets. A simple google search of St Lucia killings or murder will bring up how it is being reported overseas. Let us see how our tourism honchos respond. Already the PM has responded with a hollow, nonsensical regurgitation of the failed ideas of the past. It it were not so criminality stupid it would be funny.

    Welcome St Lucia to the real world. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You cannot keep spiralling down into anarchy, vulgarity, mayhem and murder and not expect karma.

  14. I am not a proponent of extra-judicial killings and have been a critic in the past as I think that everyone should be entitled to due process. However, given the current trend…67 murders with one month still to go…..I believe these delinquents should be eliminated in whatever way possible (sorry lord) as they’ve become a scourge and huge embarrassment to the nation. let’s deal with this problem decisively now or by next year persons won’t even be able to go out in their yards.
    I know Chastanet and co are licking their chops and strategizing on how to capitalize on the situation to get back into power. The times now call for unity and a collaborative national effort to destroy these criminals. If we use them to gain an advantage, then we are in their same bracket.

  15. Thugs killing each other is one thing. I just try to stay away from where they are so I do not become the bystander who was hit. But killing elderly men having a drink at a bar? Awa. Why are we so afraid of offending bigger states by reinstating the death penalty? In fact, there are states in the US where they still execute prisoners by lethal injection. I am sure it happens in certain parts of so called first world countries too. Watch the movie Dead Man Walking. Why should I be scared of going to the beach or having a drink at a bar with a friend in my own country? SMH

  16. I honestly think that the police should send a message to those bad boys to prepare their funeral clothes and caskets. hunt them down and eliminate them. simple solution. as for the the guys who did this, right now the message should have already gone out to them. dead men walking.

  17. I am so sorry for the law-abiding people of your island who may suffer a temporary reduction in tourism as a result of this incident. The deceased was from the north of England and this is making headline news here today. We are considering which island to visit in January/February and unfortunately, for the moment, St Lucia is now off the list. Such incidents happen everywhere – not least in our own capital city of London (but I wouldn’t visit there at the moment either). There is sufficient choice for tourists to turn away – for the moment. It will not hurt the tourist industry forever – people have short memories and St Lucia is after all – very popular. We will research crime on the island in next year and see what’s going on. For now, it is still on our bucket list. Just not our choice at the moment.

  18. I’m an expat living on this beautiful island and yes this latest incident presents us with yet another unnecessary blow on the world stage…I feel for the families, I really do.

    That said, horrific incidents like this happen all over the world. Children are still being shot in schools in the USA and the day I decided to leave the UK a baby had brick acid thrown in its face. I’m not justifying this insane behaviour but sh** is happening all over the world. Had it happened on an island that doesn’t market itself to UK tourists it wouldn’t have hit UK news.

    I was once beaten to an absolute pulp on this island several years ago. A completely unprovoked attacked from behind with no warning. At first I thought I’d been run over. I was repeatedly kicked in the head. The person who did it was a Scottish tourist on a drunken rampage….sh** really does happen!

  19. Massive cool out. The sky isn’t falling. Wait, the top cop just put the criminals on watch. And btw the top man will soon be back to gv another speech to the criminals to scare them away. I hope these few words will calm any nerves u have. Remember – Media stop making crime look like is something so much that happen there.

  20. Our economy depends on the tourist dollar yet the SLP and its ministers hatred and fascist agenda is sic and sad …. Live the dollars but hate the spenders .

  21. My friend, you need to understand that the rot starts at the top which is in the same government offices you asking for to do executions. Ask yourself where and who are the criminals getting the weapons from and why only certain criminals are getting caught.
    Not a word they don’t tell the public. ORC was preety much like those certain criminals getting shots called on them. Why you think IMPACS was so devasting to the RSLPF.

  22. Bad, bad timing at the beginning of holiday winter travel south and first real tourist season post-Covid. This storyhas gone viral on travel web sites. Bad timing even more so since many people now are watching the new Sseason of “Below Deck” which is publicized as being filmed off St. Lucia. This will soooo TRASH St. Lucia’s tourist season, everyone’s talking about it, and the money just will get spent elsewhere. But we St. Lucians happy so long as we have our booze and some curry goat. We happy, everyone happy! Drink up!

  23. What has gone wrong you say? It is obvious that everhtime this incompetent government takes overits anarchy with criminal gangs running the country. The first problem that we need to address in St. Lucia is telling ourselves the truth. No government will address crime adequately unless they take practical steps towards that. No government will not address crime if there are elements among them who maintain that aura of criminality and sometimes actual ties to criminals. This thing where in 2020s governments come to govern with not a single plan on how to tackle vital issues involving our lives has to stop. Elections shouldn’t be decided on maypwee and trickery.

  24. I calling it now we going hit triple digit murders next year. Century, well played raise your bat government of Lucia and take a bow for further messing up this cursed country.

  25. Soufriere the place I spent many of my youthful years swimming at the lovely beach adjacent to the Cemetery, with local friends. Gathered many of the same to the Sulphur Baths; talking to the many Fishermen, being teased by Cong (eel) named so bc he looked tike one, they said. Ada the silent one who once saved me from drowning; a deaf & dumb Soul, bless his Soul. My many swimming buddies who helped me after being bitten by a blue & white Eel near the Jetty. Now I’m afraid of visiting Soufriere & St. Lucia, thanks to the local racists and common criminals. This is something unthought of growing up in Castries, boasting to everyone of my beautiful Island – can’t do so anymore, but there is a God above and I hope people are on their knees first thing before going out, also at bed time. Amen.

  26. I love your comment Crime is everywhere no one can do anything about it, but people turning away from their wicked hearts

  27. Bloodshed upon bloodshed, because of this the land mourns.
    Therefore,God to be blame ❓
    He sends his command to the earth ;and his words runs Swiftly.
    Those who seek God,may your hearts lives ❗They will 📞call and the LORD will answer. They will 😭cry for help,and he will say,
    Here I am.

    The Scariest and Saddest words in the Bible,
    Depart from me, ye that work iniquity 🔥🔥🔥

  28. The Word of GOD is :
    Life or death penalty ‼️
    Whoever Obeys his Command will Come to no harm”
    A Refuge
    A Shelter
    A Strong Tower And Many More !!

  29. The violence happening in St Lucia is indeed all over the US, UK and Canadian media. I’m Canadian and was planning to vacation in Soufriere in January. Not any more. Get your act together St Lucians! You have the most beautiful island in the Caribbean and one of the most beautiful in the world, but no tourist in their right mind is going to St. Lucia any time soon after all these murders. No one wants to be killed just because they are white or black. Smarten up, you’re missing out on millions in foreign capital that would benefit all St Lucians.

  30. Just a follow up to my previous post. I’ve now changed my vacation plans for my family to Hawaii instead of Soufriere. I would prefer Soufriere but I don’t see how it would be possible to feel safe there, or anywhere else in the country for that matter. The rich countries get richer and the poor countries get…well, you know the rest. That’s $15-20,000 that will be going to the US economy instead of the St. Lucian. Do the SLP and the Police even care that tens of thousands of tourists who want to go to St. Lucia this winter, will now be going elsewhere? News flash……you aren’t the only country with warm weather and sandy beaches. You’re in a competition with other tropical locales and safety comes before weather and beaches. St. Lucians are going to be awfully lonely (and broke) this winter. it doesn’t have to be that way next year, but immediate action is required. Warm and fuzzy words from government officials just don’t mean a damn to prospective tourists. St. Lucians need to take to the streets to demand action in order to restore confidence in the island being a safe place to travel. Otherwise, I and thousands just like me, will be going somewhere else.

  31. I know you were being sarcastic with that statement. Lucians are some of the most covert racists I have ever met. Let’s not even touch on racism’s sister called colorism. It is alive and very well in Lucian culture. We’re a nation that won’t prosper until we admit our wrongs and attempt to make changes.

  32. St Lucia 🇱🇨❤️
    Welcome Visitors, where loves comes to stay,
    But every morning,the LORD will put to silence all the wicked in the land !!
    After the fall of man which is the 🐍devil : One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and satan🐍also came with them.
    The LORD satan 🐍, “Where have you from ?”
    Satan🐍 answered the LORD, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it”…..
    Therefor, boast only in the LORD !!
    St-Lucia 🇱🇨 will be a refuge for those who do not put their trust and hope in the LORD,
    For in the day of God’s wrath, GOD will send them bear handed with all kinds of sickness and dieases ‼️
    Righteous and God fearing
    The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts have come up as a memorial offering before God”.

    Life through the Sprit after death
    Therefor, there is no Condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because the sprit of life set us, those who wants,free from the law of sin.
    Likewise death is naked before God ❗
    Destruction lies uncovered ❗
    Much to say, but it is hard to explain, because we are slow to learn.
    I have now received from the Royal Bank of Heaven :
    The sum of Eternal life which means Eternity, peace and love, assurances,
    Comfort,joy and long life ❗
    Even if I die for the sake of God,my soul will rise and return to my maker.
    On Judgement ⚖️ day,I will be somewhere listen to my name,now,all because if I miss heaven,I will miss it all and after comes the punishiment whithout end ⚖️🔥🔥🔥🔥
    The dead in Christ
    Master,provide your slave (s) what is right and fair.

  33. MORENA – you are Blessed and you will make it at the !st resurrection.
    And so will I. So will anyone who has this hope and faith – in Jesus Christ – be Blessed.



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