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Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé in Hospital


According to a statement released on Wednesday by the Albert Einstein Jewish Medical clinic in So Paulo, Pelé’s condition has deteriorated and the Brazilian soccer player presently needs more attention.

Pelé was brought to the medical clinic on November 29 for a respiratory disease and a “re-assessment of the chemotherapy therapy over the colon malignant growth found in September 2021”.

The clinic expressed on Wednesday that Pelé “presents headway of the oncological sickness and requires higher consideration connected with renal (kidney) and heart dysfunctions.”

As per his daughter Kely Nascimento’s Instagram post on Wednesday, Pelé will spend Christmas at the Albert Einstein Jewish Clinic in So Paulo because of the requirement for more attention.

Nascimento states, “Our Christmas at home has been suspended.” NShe continued, “We decided with the doctors that, for various reasons, it would be better for us to stay here, with all the care that this new family … Einstein gives us!!”

Nascimento explained that Pelé had COVID-19 in spite of getting “all dosages” of the immunization in the wake of being hospitalized in November, and that the chemotherapy had made him more weak, causing him to get a lung infection.

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