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Fire On Board JetBlue Flight From Barbados Forces Passenger Evacuation At JFK


CNN has reported that at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday, a fire occurred on board a JetBlue Airways plane that arrived from Barbados.

Quoting fire department officials, CNN said more than 160 people used emergency slides to leave the aircraft.

According to JetBlue, the event, which occurred immediately after the flight from Barbados touched down at the airport, may have been caused by an electrical device and is currently under investigation.

CBS News said the incident happened at around 9 p.m. on JetBlue flight 662 from Barbados.

The CBS New York website said the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) disclosed that the crew reported a smoking laptop in the cabin.

“Passengers said smoke quickly started filling the back of the plane. Someone reportedly yelled “Fire!” and other passengers started panicking,” it reported.

Five passengers are reported to have sustained minor injuries.

Headline photo: Stock image

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