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Guyana Soldiers Rescue Captain & Crew After Vessel Sinks


Guyana Defence Force (GDF) conducted a Christmas Day Search and Rescue Operation in response to a distress signal off the Essequibo Coast, rescuing a captain and crew after their vessel sank.

A GDF Facebook post said the army deployed a response team to the location and pulled six crew members of the vessel, Lady Shaneeza, to safety.

The crew members were aboard a lift raft.

The men said their vessel sank during extreme weather, and another crew member wearing a life jacket was missing.

According to the GDF, Roraima Airways joined the search and rescue effort.

Hours later, the missing crew member was located and rescued.

The man, identified as fifty-seven-year-old Christopher Williams, had drifted for more than 19 hours.

An ambulance later transported him to the hospital.

The vessel that sank was on its way back from Trinidad after departing Guyana earlier this month.

Headline photo from GDF Facebook page



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