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Deadly Riots Erupt After Mexican Authorities Arrest Notorious Drug Lord’s Son


The arrest by Mexican authorities of the son of notorious Mexican drug kingpin ‘El Chapo’ sparked deadly clashes on Thursday resulting in the death of 10 soldiers and 19 suspects, media reports said.

According to the BBC,Defence Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval said a further 35 military personnel were injured and 21 gunmen were arrested.

Mexican authorities arrested Ovidio Guzmán, prompting alleged gang members set fire to vehicles, erect roadblocks, and attack a local airport.

Videos on social media show burning buses blocking roads in Culiacán.

Ahead of his arrest, the U.S. State Department’s official website described Ovidio as a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel.

It said law enforcement investigations indicate Ovidio and his brother, Joaquín Guzmán-López, function in high-level command and control roles of their own drug trafficking organisation, under the umbrella of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

“The Guzmán-López brothers are currently overseeing approximately eleven methamphetamine labs in the state of Sinaloa producing an estimated 3,000- 5,000 pounds of methamphetamine per month,” the website said.

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