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Iran Executes Karate Champion, Volunteer Coach


Two young men, one a karate champion and the other a volunteer children’s coach, were executed in Iran.

According to state-affiliated Fars News, Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini were hanged early on Saturday.

Iran’s judiciary news said the two were found guilty of killing Seyed Ruhollah Ajamian, a member of the nation’s Basij paramilitary organization, in Karaj on November 3.

The executed men also allegedly took part in anti-regime protests last year.

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the European Union (EU) have urged Iran to halt all executions following the hanging of the pair.

Four persons have now been confirmed as having died in executions believed related to the nationwide protests since Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman, died on September 16 while in morality police custody.


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  1. My friend, Iran hangs people based on their regime. Go and do some research on Iran and see how the people there are protesting over their strict Islamic rules. Their police would beat and rape women for not wearing a hijab and a women recently died that way because she showed a few strands of her hair.
    Now ever since, their police and military have been firing live rounds at people for protesting and those guys that were sentenced was a few of the people that defended themselves from the regime gunfire.


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