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Man Hospitalised After Sustaining Gunshot Injury In La Clery


Masked shooters opened fire at a man in a shop at La Clery, Castries, on Monday night, hitting him once in the chest.

The victim was reported in stable condition following the shooting at about 8:00 pm.

The Castries headquarters of the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said it received a call for help.

But when emergency responders arrived on the scene, the injured man had already been transported to the OKEU Hospital.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Is it because of the drug trade we have so many shootings and killings in St. Lucia?
    The gentleman from Trinidad but residing in St. Lucia is always defending marijuana. do you believe that is not correct? The penalty for drugs should be stiffer.

  2. We need more legal firearms in law abiding citizens hands, sad to hear about this incident .

  3. Give them bail when they are caught. That’s definitely the underpinning of attrition. I can recognize a brilliance when I see it.

  4. Don’t kid yourself, there are those in the Government who know who’s who, what to do, the gang leaders, crime bosses, distributers etc etc. It is strange how quickly some find the great sums of money for Bail – and why should anyone be allowed Bail for this kind of criminality? then you want to know why St. Lucia has become this way.


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